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y/n’s POV:

It’s been two days since I dumped Cameron. I kind of feel bad about it because I think I rushed the break up. I didn’t know much of his side of the story… I just dumped him then and there. I felt like I was desperate for an excuse to end our relationship and I dumped him as soon as I found one without giving him a fair chance.

I heard the doorbell ring. Who would come at this hour? I opened the door.


                “Hiiiiii…” he said awkwardly with a wave.

                I was surprised, but not angry by his presence. “H-Hi, what are you doing here?”

                “I know it may be awkward, but I just thought I’d drop by since I was in town.”

                “You’re not here to try and win me back, are you?”

                He shook his head. “No, no, I’m not.”

                I didn’t know what to say since we haven’t talked in so long. “Then… would you like to come in?”

                He nodded and came inside. “This is Demi’s apartment, yes?” he asked, looking around.

                “Yeah, we’re roommates.”

                After a silence long enough that it was starting to become awkward, Harry said, “I just wanted to see how you were doing. I’d heard about what happened with you and you know… him.”

                “I’m doing ok… thanks for wondering.”

                He looked like he wanted to say something. With hesitation, he said, “Might as well get it off my chest now but the first priority reason I came by is that…” he took a breath. I had I feeling I knew what he was going to say. “Ever since we broke up, I still strongly feel that there’s some unfinished business between us.”

                I looked at him. “Me too.” It was like he had read my mind.

                “Can we talk about it?”

                “Yeah,” I said, and we sat down on the couch.

                “I know I’ve got a lot of explaining to do—“

                I scoffed. “Hell yeah.”

                The tips of his lips curved into a slight smile. “I have never stopped loving you.” he said boldly, looking at me in the eyes.

                I was surprised to hear that.  Very surprised. “What?”

                “I have never stopped loving you, y/n.” he repeated. “Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I have never stopped loving you and there isn’t a minute that goes by where you’re not on my mind.”

                My mind stopped. I didn’t know what to say. “Then why’d you leave me?”

                He frowned. “I really didn’t want to do it, but I just had the strongest feeling that you deserve to be with someone better.”

                “How would you know that?”

                “I-I just knew. It was like the universe told me or something.”

                I didn’t say anything.

                “You must think I’m crazy—“

                “No, I don’t.” I said. I couldn’t look at him. I had to keep myself together. “This is just a lot to take in.”

                “I understand. I just want you to know that it nearly killed me to let you go. I didn’t want to keep you to myself when there’s someone out there who’s going to be better for you.”

                “That’s funny because when we were dating, I was thinking ‘he’s a keeper. Maybe he’s the one. Like, maybe he’s the one I’m going to marry.’ But apparently, I’m wrong.”

                “I am so, massively sorry. Will you forgive me?”

                “It’s not that easy, Harry!” I was nearly in tears. All of my emotions were slowly rising. “You broke my heart when I was as happy as can be! How do expect all of that lost time since you left me… you left me with unanswered questions, you left me thinking that I wasn’t good enough for you, you left me begging in my mind for answers and reasons as to why you left… you just left me… How do you expect all that lost time to be made up?

                He was silent. “I don’t. Believe me when I say this, y/n. I had unanswered questions too.”

                “What questions?” I sniffed.

                “Whether I made the right choice of letting you go. Within that period of time, I have never been so afraid of regret in my entire life. I just begged that things would go as I wanted it to. I wanted you to be with that one person who would make you happier than I could ever make you. I did all of this because I cared about you so much. I was willing to sacrifice my happiness for yours in the long run… That is why I hope for your forgiveness. I will never forgive myself if it was all a mistake, but at least I’ll have yours to hold on to.”

                I thought about it. I felt angry and lost and confused, yet I was okay with what was happening. “It depends.” I answered.

                “Depends on what?” he asked, interested and hopeful of earning my respect.

                “Just answer one question, and I’ll tell you if I forgive you.”

                “That one person who you think I’m meant to be with. That one person who would make me happier than you could ever make me. What’s his name?”

                He didn’t expect this question. “I can’t tell you. I might jinx it if you knew.”

                “Can you at least tell me if I’ve dated him yet?”

                “Thankfully, you haven’t dated him yet. There’s still hope.”

                “What else can you tell me about this person?”

                “He’s closer than you think, and he loves you very much as of right now.”

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