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Demi and I were about to leave for the movies.

                “We’re meeting them there right?” I said to make sure.               

                “Yeah. And since its Justin Bieber we’re hanging out with, they’re gonna meet us inside the theater.”

                “What?” I asked, confused.

                “Justin’s gonna get mobbed by fans if he just waltzes in the theater. Fredo said that they already pre-ordered their tickets online, so they’re gonna sneak in the back way.”

                “Oh.” I said and then I laughed. “Ok, what about you?”

                “Oh my fans are amazing, but they aren’t as crazy as his fans.” Demi said and we laughed. “I’ll be fine.”

We got in my car and drove over to the theater.

                “Excited??” Demi teased me.

                “Ha ha, so funny.” I said sarcastically. Demi laughed.

We parked our car and walked inside the theater. We bought our tickets and went in line to buy food.

                “I think we should get one extra large popcorn for all of us to share.” I suggested.

                “Sounds good.” Demi said. A little girl came up to Demi and asked for a picture and an autograph. “Of course, sweetie!” Demi said and bent down for the picture. The girl then left with a huge smile on her face.

                I turned to Demi. “You have fans that recognized you too.”

                “Yeah, but if I was Justin then I would be tackled to the floor right now.” Demi said. I laughed. The cashier called me up next in line.

                “Hi, what can I get for you tonight?” she asked. Demi and I ordered for the boys too. The lady gave us our food. “Thank you, enjoy the movie.” she said and called the next person in line. We went inside our theater and they were playing the previews.

                “Let’s sit all the way in the back for Justin’s sake.” Demi whispered. I nodded and we got our seats.

The movie was about to start very soon and the guys still weren’t here.

                “Where are they?” Demi said looking around the theater. I shrugged. Then we finally saw two super shady figures walk in. They spotted us and walked towards us. “Oh that must be them.” Demi said. Demi was sitting on my left and the two guys sat on my right. But I couldn’t tell whether it was Fredo or Justin right next to me.

                “Justin?” I guessed.

                He turned to me and put his finger to his lips. “Don’t let other people hear you.” he said and took his shades off. “But yeah it’s me.” Justin said smiling at me. I smiled back. Demi and I handed them the food the movie started.

The movie ended and the lights went on. We stayed in our seats and waited for everyone to leave.  Justin put his shades, hat, and hood on and stared down at the floor so the people walking by us couldn’t see his face.

                Demi looked at Justin, who was hiding in his seat. “Bieber undercover.” She joked. We laughed, even Justin.

                “You have to hide from the public sometimes too, don’t you?” Justin said to Demi with a soft voice.

                “Not as seriously as you do. You have a higher level of fame than me.”

                “Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

                “The bad part is that you have the paparazzi always on your tail.” Fredo explained. We stood up to leave, then I noticed Justin’s pants.

                “As much as you cover your face, everyone’s gonna recognize your pants, Justin.” I teased him. He smiled at me.

                “You’re pretty funny.” He told me.

                “Was that sarcasm?” I asked.

                “No. Besides, I like girls with a sense of humor.” He told me smiling. I smiled back, flattered. Demi let out a squeal from behind us. We turned around and stared at her.

                She laughed. “Sorry guys. I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”

                “You guys wanna head back to my place and hang out?” I asked the guys. They looked at each other in agreement.

                “Where do you live?” Justin asked.

                “Don’t worry, I know.” Fredo said.

                “K, see you guys there.” I said as Demi and I left in the opposite direction to exit the main way.

We got in my car and drove back to my place.

                “I had a moment there, Demi.” I said to make her feel guilty.

                She laughed. “I’m sorry. Maybe you’ll have more moments at home. And by the way, what he said to you was so cute! Wasn’t it?”

                “Yeah, it was.” I said smiling to myself.

                “I bet he’s thinking about you right now.” Demi said and made me blush. Good thing it was dark out so she didn’t see me smiling.

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