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I packed up and said goodbye to Justin. I told him that I was leaving early to hang out with Harry, Louis, and Niall.

                “Oh ok, tell them I said hi,” Justin said, waving goodbye as I walked out the studio.

                “Ok, I will!”

I walked out to the parking lot and got in my car. Harry texted me the directions to the bowling alley. The three guys were already there. I texted Harry:

Me: U can start without me since everyone’s already there

Harry: Are you sure? We can wait.

Me: No, please. I won’t be there for another 10 min or so. It’s ok just start

Harry: Ok, hurry or you will lose points! (:

Me: Lol ok

I arrived and walked inside. It was around 11:30 pm. I went over to the counter to rent myself a pair of bowling shoes.

                “Size?” asked the worker.

                “(your shoe size)” I said.

                “Alright, I’ll be right back.” he said as he walked into the shoe room to find a pair of shoes for me,”

                I was waiting at the counter, when suddenly two arms attacked me from behind. I let out a small shriek.  I turned around and it was Harry, who was smiling at me.

                “Did I scare you?”

                “Yes!” I said madly.

                He just laughed. My anger quickly vanished. I could never stay mad that smile.

                He held me from behind, and rested his chin on my shoulder. “Are you getting a pair of shoes?”


                The guy came back. Harry let go of me. “Here you go, that’ll be 4 dollars.”

I reached inside my purse, but Harry stepped forward.

                “Here, it’s ok, I got it.” He said giving the guy a 5 dollar bill. “Keep the change.”

                “Thank you, enjoy the game.” The guy said and disappeared into the back employees room.

Harry took my hand and led me to where the Louis and Niall were.

                “I hope you guys didn’t wait for me long.” I said.

                “Nah, it was no problem, really.”

We reached the aisle that they were using.

                “Look, y/n’s here!” Louis said, giving me a hug.

                Niall and I hugged to greet each other. “Lovely, lovely,”

                “Hi! I hope I didn’t miss out on too much,”

                “No, we were just warming up.” Niall said.

                “All right! Enough of the chit-chat! We gotta get started! Now we gotta split into two teams. Let’s do me and Niall, and y/n and Harry,” Louis said,

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