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Demi’s POV:

Justin and I were sitting on my couch watching TV. y/n was in her room doing something. Max wasn’t home because he was hanging out with his friends. Fredo was in my kitchen, looking for food.

A few commercials went by as Justin and I were staring at the TV.

                I decided to break the silence: “Um… why are you here again?” I asked Justin. From what I remember, he just appeared out of nowhere and sat down with me.

                He carelessly shrugged. “Been trying to hang out with y/n a lot ever since you-know-who did you-know what,” he whispered at the end. “Just in case she needs another friend,”

                y/n seemed over her break up now. There may be a part of her that still hangs on to him, but she seems fine. The thought came to my head that Harry believed that y/n and Justin were meant to be together. As much as I doubted it, I began to believe it. It was definitely imaginable.

                y/n came out from her room to us. “Anyone wanna go to the mall with me? I need to run some errands,”

                Justin and I exchanged glances.

                “Sorry, y/n, I gotta do some other errands myself soon,” Fredo said, mouth full.

                “Um…” I spoke. “I can’t I’m busy,” I lied.

                “Busy with—“ y/n began.

                “Justin, you wanna go with y/n?” I quickly interrupted.

                Justin looked at me, then to y/n, then back to me. “Uh, sure,” he said.

                y/n smiled. “Cool! I’ll get my stuff, and then we’ll go,” she said, going back to her room.

                She quickly came back. Justin stood up, waved me and Fredo goodbye, and he followed her out the door.

                Not long after that, Fredo left to do his errands. I turned off the TV, and went to my room and crept into my bed. I was truly bored because I didn’t have any errands to do. I was asleep in seconds.


                I woke up. I heard the TV outside. Who was watching TV? I stood up and walked out to the living room. Fredo was there on the couch, making himself at home with a bag of chips and soda. He looked up.

                “Good afternoon,” he said. “Chips?”

                I shook my head. “No thanks. How’d you get in? I thought you left,”

                “I finished all of my errands, so I decided to come back here and chill. I rang the doorbell, but no one answered. I noticed that you didn’t lock your door so I just went in,”


                “And didn’t you tell y/n that you couldn’t go shopping with her because you were busy too?”

                I had a guilty look on my face. “I don’t,”

                “Yeah, I know. Why didn’t you go with her?”

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