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y/n’s POV:

I was driving to the studio. It is my first day working with 1D. I felt weird driving to the studio knowing that Justin won’t be there, and it’ll be people I’ve never met before.

I parked and walked over to Studio 15. I opened the doors and a few people were standing around, setting up the equipment and working. They welcomed me with murmurs of ‘hello’s and ‘hi’s.

                A man came up to me. “Hi, are you y/n yl/n? The producing assistant?”

                I nodded. “Yes,”

                He shook my hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Paul Higgins, One Direction’s manager.”

                “Nice to meet you too,”

                “Thank you for taking the time to work with us for these few months. There’s just so much work to be done for this new record,”

                “Of course, no problem. Glad I could help.” I said with a smile. “So where’s the boys?”

                “They’re running a little late. Meanwhile, let me introduce you to everyone else,”

For the remaining time before the boys arrived, I was introduced to the 1D team and their record producer on the job. They were very kind and friendly, just like Justin’s team.

                I heard the door open. “Uh, hello everyone,” a British voice said.

                I turned around, and the whole band walked in. My eyes widened a little. They were so much hotter in person.

                “Sorry we’re late. Much traffic,” Liam said.

                “It’s alright, it’s alright. Boys, I’d like you to meet someone who you’ll be working with for the next few months,” Paul said, introducing me to them. He nudged me closer to them. “Don’t be shy!”  he laughed.

The guys laughed too. I kind of had butterflies in my stomach. The funny thing is I don’t know why.

                “H-hi, I’m y/n. I’m looking forward to working with you guys,” I said.

                They all greeted me.

                “Ahem, hi, I’m Harry,” Harry said, shaking my hand. “And if you didn’t know, this is Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis,” he said, introducing them.

                “Yes,” I smiled. “I know, I love your music.”

                “Thank you! That’s so nice to hear. “Niall said.

For the next 20 minutes we were supposed to be working, but we just sat around and talked. Then, everybody went off into their own business. Before I knew it, I was just sitting on the couch by myself, because everyone else was busy talking to each other or working. I was third wheeling, except there were more than three people. Everyone knew each other, but I’m the odd one out… I miss Justin and his team already…

I grabbed my laptop and just started working on my own personal stuff that I needed to get done.

I stared at my laptop screen, waiting for someone to call me to help them. I was so bored. I guess they didn’t need my help. I wish I could just go home. I mean, everyone’s nice and everything, but they don’t seem to need help.

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