
23 4 0

may 11th, 2017

the cycle flutters as it spins. it rises slowly, reaching its max as the climb begins to even out, but every rise has its fall.

so, i tumble and roll before i run away, almost as if in fear, almost as if in pain.

i breathe because my heart is moved to. i think because my mind is incapable of being at evened rest. i live because my instincts tell me to.

but, even so, the cycle rises and falls, and it gets harder each time to wonder why one must go on. it gets harder to not succumb to the hatred within your soul that calls your name to say that you are nothing more than an ugly, little thing taking up space for someone else who deserves a place.

my emotions are at a haywire, but they have been for years on end. and maybe there is no way for it to stop because it's an ongoing cycle until you forever drop.

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