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Becca's POV

The next morning I woke up in a slightly better mood which is good, I guess. I don't have any classes today so that means no unwanted stress.

It was a warm spring day, I decided to go out for a run. I blasted my music in my headphones and took advantage of this beautiful day.

Strolling through the park, I saw many familiar face that brought back some memories;'good ones though. I stopped and talked to this kid I used to obsess over who was friends with Shawn and my cousin Brian.

After my run I turn my car on by pressing the button on the key. The engine roars and I hop in. I was really hungry so I stopped by the deli.

As I make my way back to the counter with an iced coffee in my left hand and a bag of chips in the other I notice the radio was playing a song off of Shawn's album. Mercy. It just came out and honestly it's a really good song.

I remember helping him write his first couple songs, he's grown as an artist since then and I'm proud.

I smile and sing along before realizing I was singing out loud. "Is that it, Becca?" The clerk Charles asks me. "Yes please." I say giving Charles a smile. We went to middle school together, it's weird, he's ringing up my snacks.

"Alright that'll be $3.84," he says with a smile. I give him a $5 bill and he gives me the change. "Thank you, Charles." I warmly say. "See you soon, Becca!"

About 15 minutes later I arrive at Brian's place. He invited me over to introduce me to his girlfriend.

All the girls he's gone out with were either girls I knew or some girl he was latched onto for a couple days to have a good time.

I walk in the entryway of Brain's apartment, unlocked of course cuz Brain is careless like that.

"Hi, you must be Becca, right?" I hear a girls voice approach me, I spun around on my hells and am now facing a girl who looks about my age. She has gorgeous long hair and blue eyes.

"Yep, that's me. You must be Amara, I heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She embraces me in a hug and I smile immediately liking her. "It's nice to meet you, you are Shawn's best friend right?" She asks me as we head over to the kitchen.

"Ouch!" I just walked right into an island counter top that I swear was never there before. Brian definitely has changed his whole kitchen, the walls were freshly painted an off white and he got new curtains. What's going on with this kid?

"You good, Becca?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I start chucking as Amara looks petrified. "I swear that was never there before." I sigh, thinking about all of the iconic moments spent in this kitchen. This makes me miss high school.

"So tell me about Shawn," Amara smiles raising an eyebrow and I purse my lips. "We used to be really close, now he's all famous and stuff." I shrug but then laugh.

"Brian has told me a lot about you guys- oh I forgot to mention he ran out to the pizzeria. He told me you loved pizza, I do too." She says grinning and I smile.

"Ah, I could tell we'll get along really well."

The remainder of the night Brian, Amara and I hung out, she was really growing on me. Victoria so has to meet her!

"So I heard your birthday is coming up? Are we going to do anything?" Amara asks as she shuffles out the UNO cards for a final game before I get going, it's pretty late and I have to be up early tomorrow helping Victoria move out of her parents place.

Brian hastily grabs his cards, checking each card he receives. He still swears I cheat, somehow.

"Um, I'm not sure, are we doing anything?" I ask chuckling as Brian's eyes dart to me in anger as I hit him with four more uno cards.

"Well I was going to take you out for your birthday but you just ruined it for yourself." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"You're just jealous I'm that good," I say pulling at the rips on my jeans. Amara giggles looking at Brain. Brain seems happier with her and I'm glad- he deserves this.

"Damn, cuz," Brian says spilling two plus four cards to my turn before saying: "Uno out, I just beat ya." I playfully roll my eyes and laugh, "you've learned my strategy, Brain."

Shawn's POV

"Shawn, you know I'm at work. Why are you calling me?" Bree says into the phone. "Um, don't be so nasty to me, girl. I was jut about to save you from work." I tell her and she scoffs.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, I was gonna stop by and tell your boss to let you off early so we can go out."

"You did that last time," she says impatiently. "And the time before that, remember?" I chuckle pulling up to the diner she works in. "You don't need to be waiting tables, you're friends with me!" I say hanging up the phone, walking into the diner.

It was an unusual hotter day here in California, many people are spending their day at the beach and along the boardwalk. Bree works at a diner right across from the beach.

It's good business her boss always tells me, he's a funny guy. I approach him and he immediately smiles. "Shawn Mendes, how are you?"

"I'm good, just here to see if Bree was finished for the day. Is she?" I grin at him looking around for Bree. I found her staring back at me angrily and I laughed. "Yeah, sure she's good to go. Have a great day kid." He says and I smirk walking over to Bree.

"You seriously need to stop taking advantage of your fame, Shawn."

"Yeah- sure whatever-" I say as we walk out. A small group of fans already spotted me, I said hi to the girls, took some pictures and then we were on and about our day.

"What's wrong, Bree?" I approach a stop light and turn to my best friend. "I'm pissed at you, the fuck."

"What did I do?" I chuckle as she rolls her eyes. "You're becoming an asshole, that's what." She crosses her arms, the rest of the car ride was silent. The radio was on low and I was humming along.

"Cmon Bree you can't stay mad at me," I tell her as we get out of the car. "Yes I can!" She scoffs and we enter my place.

"Well fine- I'm sorry for being a dick lately. I don't know what's gotten into me." I say, Bree raves the fridge before settling on making herself at sandwich. I walked into the living room, telling Bree we were gonna watch her favorite movie.

I looked at a photograph of my old friends that I hung up a year ago, in the picture stood Victoria, Brian and Becca and I. We had to be around 16 or 17 years old. I smile noticing my arm was around Becca. She had the cutest freckles.

I sighed looking away, realizing times are now different and I broke contact with them, with Becca. Bree is right, I am an ass. How did I let this happen? It's been so long.

"You miss her, don't you?" Bree walks in with her sandwich and sits on the couch next to me. "I fucked everything up."

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