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"There isn't anything quite like being ignored by someone you have feelings for," I sigh shutting my phone off. It's been two weeks since Shawn and I admitted we had feelings for each other and when he also apologized for ignoring me for all those months even though it was long over due.

We've been talking a lot lately, nothing gets awkward because after all, we've been through so much together. We grew up together.

The time zones are really throwing us off though. "You look happier," Victoria smiles as we walk out of my apartment, I lock the door behind me and hop into Vic's car.

"I think it was really sweet he posted those photos of you two, his fans remembered who you are." She laughs and we approach a stop light. "Yeah, I just wish he was here and not on tour, you know, so we could catch up." I yawn since it was early in the morning and Vic was dragging me shopping.

"Why don't you go on tour with him when the semester is over? I'm sure he'd like that." She tells me and I shrug but smile.

"Hmm, I dunno it might be awkward." I say and she turns to me and rolls her eyes. "Yeah okay- you'd be seeing amazing places with the guy you love."

"Honestly, we might not even get anywhere because he's so busy doing interviews, shows, meet and greats and stuff that it could be the same as I staying in Canada."


Shawn's POV

I quickly dial Bree's number to FaceTime and she answers on the first ring. A couple days ago she flew back to Cali, I miss hanging with her but she's spending time with Matt.

"Wassup Mendes." Bree answers the phone brightly and I laugh. "Nothing much, I have an interview in an hour. Just calling up to see how you were." Her eyes light up and she laughs bringing her chocolate brown hair to the side.

"I'm good, Matthew is gonna come over and we're gonna go out to lunch with his family. How's your situation with Becca?" Bree asks me and I half smile.

"Eh, we've been talking but I wish I was with her. Maybe I'll mention her in the interview to get her attention or something."

"You're wild, Shawn." Bree laughs, "I miss you, Bree. I'll see you soon, alright?"

"Gotcha- see you soon Mendes."

After hanging up with Bree, I then walked out of my dressing room because I was having a meet up with some fans. Hanging with them is honestly everything to me, I'm so thankful for all of their endless love and support, I will always be there for them too.

"Hi guys," I say and the room lights up with smiles and cheers. It was in the theatre and there was about 15 fans, they won the contest for the radio I'm going to air my interview on and I'm glad they're all here.

I greet them all with hugs and talk to them for a bit as we sit in a circle. "Shawn, is that Becca girl your old best friend, I remember her from your old vines." A fan asks and I blush which causes them all to laugh.

"Yeah she's an old friend," I smile and the young girl nods before saying "just friends? It seems you have a little crush on her, you've been tweeting a lot about her too."

"Uhh, you guys I'm not dating her but I do like her, I've liked her for years. She's been my friend since the 2nd grade and I hurt her badly by ignoring her all of last year because I was scared to tell her I loved- liked her." I corrected myself and the fans laugh. "And I just came back home to apologize to her. I think she likes me too." I shyly say and they all giggle asking me more and more questions.

"Don't tell anyone yet guys, I'm counting on you all. I'll probably mention her soon, she's my best friend,"

"She's pretty," one girl says and we all laugh and I nod my head. "We've been through a lot together- she's my buddy Brian's cousin!"

"I thought Bree was your best friend too." Another fan brings up and I sigh. "Yeah- its complicated."


Becca's POV

It was a Monday morning, I did not want to be up but Victoria wanted me to go house shopping with her since she moved in with her boyfriend, Wesley.

"Alright we'll go into that store because they got- oh my god Shawn is on the radio!" Victoria screams and I laugh. "Victoria,'you're driving! Calm down." I turn up the volume and hear Shawn's sweet voice. "Hi, it's Shawn Mendes and you're listening to Z-100. Tune in later for my interview about my second album- Illuminate and more!"

"Aww, he's so cute." I blush and Vic starts screaming the lyrics to Treat You Better.

"This is giving me major Tyler throwbacks," she says and I hit her arm for mentioning my ex.

"Oh- I never told you but Shawn kinda wrote song lyrics on my birthday card and I can't figure out what song it is- I think it's a song he wrote for me."

"No fucking way! He'll probably talk about that and then he's gonna call you out and you guys are going to be so happy together and get married and-"

"Vic, enough." I laughed as she pulls into the parking lot.

"A girl can dream." She jokes and I playfully roll my eyes.

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