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Shawn's POV

I was on stage looking at the crowd, New York City man and I am just so thankful for how far the tour has came. "Alright, New York City, we're gonna change it up a bit." I laugh and the crowd roars.

It's been a little lonely on tour, my friends are all back home getting ready for the new semester of university to start, it was a pleasure having them here for a bit.

I'm always feeling so refreshed whenever I have a gig.

I looked up at the whole crowd, the lights and the smiles on everyone's faces. Everyone's smiling up at me.

This was my home, I belong on stage with a guitar in my hands while spending the night with my adoring fans. I don't need anything else. I was speechless, I couldn't bring myself to hide my smile. And every time they noticed that, the stadium got so much louder. "You guys are amazing," I say beginning to play the next song. "You guys might know my girlfriend right? Becca- this song was written for her." I say and everyone lights up.

I guess Becca's told everyone in college that we are together if they didn't already know because I saw all my old buddies from high school following me now.

And the ones I hated like Tyler Jacobs. I've gotten into fights with that kid, he ruined our friendship and mine and Becca's growing relationship at the time.

I swear if anything happens between him and her while I'm away and I find out- I guess I'll have to fuck shit up- once again.

I bring myself out of my thoughts and look back at my fans. "This is Crazy," I say and the crowd gets silent waiting for me to start singing.

"Think I don't need a watch to tell the time
Think I don't need the sun to help me shine
Think I don't need a girl to be alright
Guess I didn't know

Come on guys scream it!

That I didn't need shoes on my feet," the crowd continued and I just smiled up at them. "That I didn't need a bed to fall asleep
That I didn't need love to be complete
Guess I didn't know," I stopped singing and playing and it was so fucking silent. "Oh my gosh, this is so freaking sick! You guys ready?" I say and they applaud but soon get quiet again.

"That I just got this crazy feeling
I've been making someone wait for me, for me," I take a breath and look at the crowd. I was in fucking awe right now. Only if Becca could hear this, I hope she's doing okay.

"You're all I think about when I'm awake
Part of every night and every day
And everything's a mess when you're away
Now I know

All of this is getting really old
I'm having trouble sleeping on my own
Feeling like a house but not a home
I want you to know

That I just got this crazy feeling
I've been making someone wait for me, for me

Guess I need a watch to tell the time
Guess I need the sun to help me shine
And I really need you in my life
Now I know - scream it!"

That you give me this crazy feeling," the crowd roars and I chuckle before singing along with them, my favorite thing in the world is how loud my fans get. They're so amazing and the sound of the crowd singing along to my music is so surreal. "And you won't have to wait no more for me, for me

And I just got this crazy feeling

I've been making someone wait for me" I finish off, a tear rolling down my cheek. Stupid ass emotions man.

Happy tears though. The crowd once again gushes and I smile before thanking them so fucking much. "I love you all, so so much- thank you! Goodnight," I say taking my guitar and holding it up to the crowd before leaving the stage.

I hope Becca sees this.

Becca's pov

"Where do you wanna eat?" Hanna asks me as soon as I hop in her car. "Uhhh- pizza?" I suggest and she nods. "I have a surprise for you!" She says holding up one of Shawn's CDs for Illuminate.

"That whole album is practically written about me," we both start laughing and I blushed thinking of how much I loved Shawn. I hope he's doing okay. "Actually, lets go out tonight. Enjoy ourselves since school just started up. I know a good club around here." Hanna decides and I nod agreeing with her.

We needed a little fun.


"Lets dance," I tell Hanna as I take the last shot from the counter and drink it quickly.

I'll deal with a hangover tomorrow, let me live for tonight. "Becca, we're drunk." Hanna slurs dragging me to the dance floor. I stumble in my heels and Hanna laughs.

"Fuck yeah we are!" I sway my hips to the music and put my hands in the air. As I was dancing, I thought I saw a familiar face. Tyler Jacobs. That kid took everything from me when I was a teenager. It couldn't be him. What would he be doing here?

I wish Shawn was here, he was always fun at parties.

I nod it off and start dancing closer to Hanna. We've some how got everyone's attention and were pushed into the middle of the floor.

We're dancing like nobody is watching.

I don't know if this a good thing or bad.., we probably look ridiculous. "Hey ladies," I feel a hand touching my back and trailing down to my waist. What the fuck?

"Tyler?!" I turn around to see Hanna screaming at the kid I used to be close with. "It's nice to see you, Becca. Hanna how you doing?" He says pulling her closer.

"Get off me," she says pushing back and due to all the alcohol he's probably consumed tonight he stumbles back. "Watch it, Hanna!" He grunts grabbing her arm.

"Let her go you fucking animal!" I scream and suddenly all the attention was drawn to me. "How do you two even know each other?" I spat to him and Hanna sighs. "This is my ex boyfriend, Tyler." She says and my jaw drops. "This Tyler? The one who you left because he hurt you and went to Hawaii and we met there? On the plane? Tyler Jacobs?!" I slur and she nods.

"How do you know him?" Hanna asks me and I look at Tyler dead in the face. "High school," I say; although I want to say so much more. I want to tell her everything and I just can't because he hurt her in ways unimaginable.

And he's right in front of us, waiting for us to say something so he could pick a fight. Because he's an ass and Shawn was right that night, he doesn't know to fucking keep his dick in his pants.

All he did was take something away from me, something I cared about so much at the time because I was a stupid teenager who was reckless and in love with someone else.

I'm so drained right now and just want to leave. "Forget this piece of shit, he's not worth it." I scoff at Tyler and take Hanna's hand in mine. "We're leaving. Let's go home." I tell her and she nods.


I woke up to a massive headache and I have no idea where I was. "Holy shit..." I whisper to myself as I stumble out of the very comfortable bed. "Where am I?" I say looking around the huge bedroom. "What happened last night?"


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