thirty four

180 10 2

Hey guys, thanks for all the reads, this chapter goes out to my love mendeliciouss

Becca's POV

I jump out of my skin when I hear loud thudding on the side door, followed with the doorbell and then a loud sigh that came from Shawn. "Shawn, get the fucking door!" I practically fall over trying to pick up all of Sydney's toys and she laughs.

"Maybe I shouldn't have cursed," I shake my head, "no no no, mommy's a bad girl, cussing isn't for princesses like you." I continue and look over to my daughter in her walker, entertained in my stress. "You laugh like your father," I tell her as I pick her up and kiss her many times and she giggles.

She's gotten so big, oh my lord, I can't get enough of her.

"Becca, get over here!" Shawn screams from the bottom of the steps. "Jesus, Shawn we aren't even married yet and we are screaming like a couple ready for a divorce-" I walk down the steps and follow Shawn into the living room and see a young girl, probably a teenager standing next to some lady in a blazer. Then I look to the side and see Brian and Amara standing there with wide eyes.

"Hi?" I hand Shawn the baby and introduce myself to those strangers. The girl then hugs me and I laugh. "What's up?" I question and the lady who's name I learned was Veronica.

"B, before you freak out. Do you remember when we were 10 and you lived with me?" Brian buds in and I nod. "Why is my life literally a tv show?" I say and the girl laughs. I think back to when I lived with Brian. My parents were together but something happened with my mother.

"So when you were 10, your mother had another child," Veronica starts but Shawn speaks up. "So what happened? Her mom didn't-"

"Shawn let her talk,"

"I know, I was just-"

"You all are really funny." Everyone turns to the girl who I'm guessing is my sibling. "I'm Jade, your sister." She smiles and I laugh.

"I don't even know what to say to be honest. How come you didn't live with us?" I say as we all kinda just walked into the living room.

Shawn handed Brian the baby and Amara was dying because Brian never holds Sydney. He's afraid for some reason. "Well I-"

"Jade was not supposed to live very long because she was born with a deficiency and Mrs. Craigen-"

"My mom." I speak above Veronica cuz she spoke over Jade. This girl is nasty.

"They decided it was best to put her in a hospital where she'd be kept and taken care of and when your parents realized she was going to survive they put her in foster care, up until now."

"So where is she going to live?" I ask looking at Jade who was nervous, hiding behind Veronica. She's literally 15 and doesn't deserve this. "That's why they're here, B." Amara says and I nod. "Do you think I can live here? Until your parents do something-"

"They're you're parents too. I'm sure if things were different at the time then-"

"There's a good amount of paperwork for you both, to fill out, if-"

"Okay, where is it?" Shawn says smiling and my eyes widen. My sister I never knew I had is going to live in this house?

"Oh my gosh, really?!" Jade gets up and runs to hug Shawn and I. "Yeah, we're gonna have a lot of fun."

"Before that," Veronica forces a laugh, bringing out many papers from her big ass briefcase, "have fun with this." She says, I take the papers in my hand and almost drop them and the social workers rolls her eyes.

"Not for nothing, lady. You're not a very nice person." Oh my god, Amara. "You won't be able to bring this family down." Amara speaks up and we all turn to her as Sydney starts giggling. The social worker let's out a heavy sigh, I raise an eyebrow up at my younger sister and she hides her chuckles.


"So, you're gonna need a phone," Shawn looks down at Jade. I just walked in with the baby who just woke up from a nap. Shawn and Jade are sitting at the table, just talking.

"I'll finally can get Twitter notifications, they had a computer back at the foster house, it was slow though." She says and I smile. "Who do you follow on Twitter?" I ask as I warm up some of Sydney's bottle. "You guys, some bands and stuff."

"Oh no- there's a new One Direction." I say looking at Shawn and he rolls his eyes playfully. "There's Becca's fangirl blood in yours, Jade." We all laugh and I think how freaking cool this is.

Although, this is all so weird and I'm not fully adjusted to this new part of my life, Shawn's really me out. He's doing this for me. Seeing him and Jade get along is so bittersweet.

I have a younger sister.., how cool is that?

Moments after I get Jade on the phone with our mom. "Shawn, why are you doing this? You're so amazing."

"I know you always wanted a sibling, I left Aaliyah at this age basically to go on tour and stuff so it's gonna be nice watching you and her bond. You guys are so alike.

"I love you."

"I love you too, our family is my entire life. Thank you for staying with me. I'm so happier."

"Guys, she literally has the same beauty mark as Becca and I."

"She's one of us, Brian."

"Yeah, except for Brian's red hair. They have the same color eyes."

"And I get stuck with the shitty eye color." I laugh and kiss Sydney as I rock her back to sleep.


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