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"Shawn- Shawn stop it. I'm fine, it's okay," I hide my pain in a simple chuckle but he's not buying it. "I don't want to leave, Becca." He says lifting my chin up so we're staring into each other's eyes.

He honestly looks really tired, he looks drained and I don't know if it's because I'm staying in Canada or is it because he's literally gotten little sleep for the last two weeks. Still, he's cute.

He's really sleepy and flirty right now.

"I'm gonna miss you and your cuddles and dancing with you," he says as his hands slide down my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into his chest. "And your voice and your beautiful smile and you're literally my whole life, I can't even-"

"Shawn, relax." I laugh and he sighs. "I just need to sleep next to you forever."

We stayed at my place for the weekend and visited both of our families together. It was nice and everything but Shawn and I have just grown so independent from them because of how bad our teenage years were.

"I'm always a call away," I assure him and he half smiles kissing my cheek. "I think I'm going to invite Hanna around soon," I tell him as he drags me onto the couch with him. "I wonder how she's doing, you talk to her?" Shawn replies and I shrug. "Yeah, I mean she lives like 45 minutes away, I'll drive into Toronto and meet her somewhere or something. I hope she's okay."

"You're so nice, how did I get so lucky to love you?" Shawn coos into my neck and I giggle. "I love you." I tell him as he kisses my lips.

I'm honestly so happy and I've grown so in love with him. It's so natural and easy. He gives me this unexplained happiness. His big smile reveals his dimples that I just can't get enough of.

I grin as I gaze toward him, my arms around his middle. His arms were around my midriff and he was grinning down at me. He gives me another delicate kiss on the lips before pulling without end. "You're cute?" he grins with his damn infectious smile. He's giggling and pressing his temple against mine as he keeps on taking a gander at me. I giggled a bit and gestured my head before pulling him nearer to me, gradually inclining up toward his lips once more.

"You're so fucking perfect," he says and I giggle. "Write a song about me-"

"Oh, I have babygirl." he says and I blush. "Why can't we just stay together here forever?" I pout and he looks down at me. "Why do I hear people talking?" Shawn then says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"From the hallway? Someone's coming?"

"I have no clue." I chuckle and we both get up, Shawn walks in front of me and I follow behind him, grabbing on the back of his shirt. "Knock, knock!" Shawn opens the door to Amara's arm ready to knock on the door, when she sees its open it startles her and she jumps, colliding with Shawn and I.

We all laugh and Brian walks in screaming he got a new phone. "Ooh look at you." I tease and he rolls his eyes. "I brought cake.., and beer!"

"That's an odd combination," I laugh and everyone heads on outside to the fire pit on the back porch.

A few slices of dessert and alcohol later, Brian and Amara were wasted off of fucking wine coolers and Shawn and I couldn't stop laughing. "They literally are made for each other," Shawn says as we look at the two fooling around in my backyard. "Why am I already stressing this semester and it's a month away." I groan to myself and Shawn gives me a look.

"Becca- you're so smart- you'll do fine." He tells me taking a sip of his drink. Brian walks up to the two of us and chuckles. "You know we haven't had a dance party in a while," he says pulling me off of my lawn chair. "I guess it's one of those nights." I say and look at Shawn and his face lights up.

"I fucking love you." he says and we dance to whatever the radio blesses us with for the remainder of the night.

Shawn's POV

"Holy fucking hell!" I groan smashing my knuckles into the counter top. I'm fucking pissed. "Dude- relax. Who fucking cares who that dumb slut is with right now, there are plenty of hot girls here." Some kid from my Trig class tells me as I eye Becca and this kid I really fucking hate, Tyler.

The music was too loud and I was annoyed that I didn't even know Becca would be here. She hasn't been around lately. Says she's too focused on school and stuff.., but we have the same classes.

Tyler is an actual douche bag who comes to parties to get the girl wasted so he can fuck her then leave after he's finished. "She's mine-" I snap at the guy, he was too high to even realize what the hell was actually happening, Becca wasn't mine and she wasn't some whore he was talking about.

"That's Becca and Tyler, I've seen them hang out after school recently. He likes her."

"What?" I ask him and he shrugs. I looked over at the two of them, she looked like she was having a good time and I don't want to ruin that for her; but this kid man, he's been looking at her differently and I know exactly what he's thinking.

Before I go over there and fuck some shit up, I'll text Becca since she's oblivious right now. I took another swing from my drink and the vodka burned my throat. With all the alcohol in my veins, I surely don't know what's gonna happen if Tyler decides to piss me off. Plus, I have a small interview tomorrow in Toronto and need my voice for singing.

I put my drink down and head up to the two of them since I just saw Becca open my text, swiping it away from her screen, deleting it.

Wow. I can't believe this.

She might have done that because Tyler was watching and she seems a little tense, but how would I know? It's like I barely know her as I watch her dance with Tyler.

He was looking at her ass when she turned around to talk to another girl.

"Hey, Becca, how's it going?" I smile and put my arm around my best friend and Tyler looks me right in my face.

"Shawn, hey! You know Tyler, right?" She says taking a sip of her drink and smiles. "Yeah- we used to be friends-" I trail off and Tyler's blue eyes dart back at me once Becca's smile fades. "What happened?" She chuckles trying to break the tension.

I was a little confused, Becca's the type of girl who loves a good argument but she's acting so different. It better not be because she likes this kid.

"Shawn and I aren't that alike, Becca," he grins deviously and I roll my eyes. "Yeah cuz I know how to keep my dick in my pants." I say a little too loud and now people are looking at us.

All I do is laugh and look at Becca who's trying not to. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He says inching in closer to me. "I know you have a little thing for Becca, the whole school sees it. You're just a pussy, I know I can make her so much happier." He sticks up for himself cuz he doesn't want to ruin his ego.

"She doesn't like you," he continues and brings his drink to his lips. I scoff raising an eyebrow. "You really want me to fuck you up, don't you?" I begin but Becca grabs my hand. "Shawn, don't. He's not worth it."

"Yeah Mendes- listen to your bitch and leave us alone." He snaps back and I chuckle. My sight was getting weary and my anger was growing. I wanted to kick this guy's ass for ever trying to get with my best friend. With the girl I love.

"That's the thing," I look at him as I take a step closer. Becca moved back and I hear her screaming my name. Yeah she totally doesn't like me. "She doesn't have to like me- she's stuck with me." I finish before punching the kid in the jaw.

ABSKAJSKA HAHAHA CLIFFHANGERS ARE FUNNY.., wait, was this a flashback or a dream??!!! You'll find out soon! I hope you all loved this! Don't forget to comment and vote and stuff. Help ya girl out ;)

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