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Becca's POV

It's been six months into the tour and well.., Shawn is completely ignoring me.

I've texted him good morning and goodnight, yet he doesn't reply back. Even though, he is on all social media, promoting himself.

I decided to just give up, I don't want to be a clingy friend. Or girlfriend? I'm not even sure what we are.

"He'll come around," My mom says as I continue to eat my ice cream.

"You said that three months ago," I mumble due to all the ice cream in my mouth.

"Maybe he's busy... or maybe his manager won't let him text because of his schedule," She says. I get out my phone and show her texts between Brian and him. Screenshots Brian sent me.

"I'm pretty sure he's been on his phone," I sigh and lock my phone.

"I'm sorry, babe." My mom says and hugs me tightly.

"It's whatever."

I'm about to text Shawn this late at night so he can explain himself. I don't know who's going to win this fight: my head or my heart.

Shawn's POV

I sigh as I rest my head against my headboard on my childhood bed, in my room back home. It feels good to be here, I always wanted to show Bree my past. "What if this only makes her more angry at me?"

"You think she's angry at you? Shawn she looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. Go talk to her!" She says attempting to pull me off the bed with all of her strength.

I laugh and pull her onto the bed. "Bree, what do I say?" I breathe out and she looks at me and laughs. "I've never see you this nervous, Mendes. You know what to do. You guys know each other. Just do it." She says smiling up at me.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," I hug and kiss her forehead. "Probably starve to death." She jokes and I nod up to that remark.

"You wanna come?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Actually no, I'm gonna head off to bed. You'll probably be back really late considering it's almost midnight." She chuckles and I nod. "I promise I'll be back soon, I don't wanna leave you. It's been so much about me lately I can't even remember the last time we talked about Matt!" I say and she laughs.

Bree's boyfriend Matthew was currently studying abroad and they are the strongest couple ever.

"Alright, I love you Bree."

"Love ya too- go get Becca!"


Brian texted me Becca's apartment address earlier today- I'm glad she's living on her own-she always wanted to show everyone how independent she was. That's something I always adored about her.

She's been through a lot.

"Shawn- they're fighting again." Becca's voice cracks and I hear screaming in the background. It was her parents.

"I'll ask my mom if you can stay over a couple extra nights, alright? Do you want me to come and get you?" Becca was originally going to sleep over my house for the weekend cuz she was already upset as it is- now I can't imagine how she feels and I just want to be there for her.

"It's fine, I'll walk. Lemme just grab my stuff and tell my parents."

"Alright- I'll see you soon." I assure her and we hang up the phone. I should probably wait for her outside.

Twenty five minutes pass after our phone call and Becca still hasn't arrived. I hope she's okay. She doesn't deserve this pain. It's now dark out and I'm worried.

"Becca, what happened?" I run up to her. Tears stained her cheeks and I couldn't bare seeing her like this. "They got mad when I told them I'm staying here for a couple days. I'm causing them to argue apparently," she trembles in my arms and I bring her into my room.

"Did they hurt you?" I ask her and she looks away. "Not physically, I obviously would have done something but I just can't get the thought of them screaming at each other out of my head. They are supposed to be in love with each other. I don't get it!" She chokes as I bring her into my lap.

"Look at me, it's not you fault. Don't ever feel like it's your fault." I say and she nods in pain as a tear escapes from her eyes. "Come here," I say as she starts crying in my arms.

I wish there was something I could do.

I approach her door, do I knock? Text her? Is she sleeping? I guess I'll knock.

Moments later, Becca opens the door after looking through the peephole and she looks shocked.

"Shawn? How'd you know where I lived?" She chuckles and motions for me to come in. "Brian told me a couple months back you moved out. He texted me the number so I could stop by." I say as I look around, I'm impressed, she loves to decorate.

She chuckles and asks me what's up. "This place is nice," I smile at her, she glides to the couch on her socks and I laugh.

Nothing's changed with her. "Oh- I uh just wanted to come over here to see how you're doing. I'm glad you're happy."

"You're a bad liar." She scrunches her face and jumps next to me on the couch, closer.

"No no- you do seem happier." I stutter looking into her eyes in pain.

"Shawn, I read your card." She looks up at me and I look away. "You did?" I breathe out and she nods.

"You left me all alone for months Shawn, every time I tried to contact you, you always ignored me. I felt unwanted. I was so insecure, I didn't feel loved." She admits, "You seemed happier though, I'd always see you hanging with Bree on the media. I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours. You- you looked happier- you did." She tells me and I looked into her eyes that were ripping at my heart.

"I was miserable without you. I want you to know that. I want you to know that I'm sorry and I do love you, Becca I've been in love with you for the longest time and I always will be. How you ever listened to my songs? They're about you. All of them I've written you were in my head- stuck in my mind the whole time."

A/N hello peoples this is like me 600th attempt at a fanfic so I hope this doesn't flop like all the others... don't forget to vote and share ;)

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