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so I've been getting comments about this chapter being similar to a fanfic I've never even read ? Maybe I saw it similar on tumblr and used it as inspiration?! Confused. I blocked all the comments LMAO this was supposed to be a filler.

Becca's POV

I happily skip up the entryway of Shawn's place, his sister Aaliyah locks the door after I enter their home. She greets me with a warm hug and we walk into the living room.

"Shawn's filming a Vine again?" I ask as Shawn's angelic voice is heard throughout their home. She nods and tiptoes to the other room, thinking she's gonna get heard by Shawn.

I chuckle and sit down on the couch. I hear the guitar stop strumming and Shawn rushes down the steps.

"Oh hey, Becca,"

"I see you're really into that app Vine?" I ask as he jumps onto the couch next to me.

"Yeah, I've already got a few thousand followers." He says and I smile, "you think you're gonna do some shows for people?"

"Nah- doubt it." He shakes his head.

"Whatever. Just remember when it happens, you'll be seeing me. Right there. Front row, screaming that I told you so." I look at him and he smiles.

"You know, I haven't told you this in a while," He speaks up lays his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder.


"I never told you how I greatly appreciate you as a best friend. It's like you seem to understand and you're always right there by my side." He gushes and I jump on his lap and give him a hug. 

"What do we have here?" Brian walks in on us being weird. "Nothing. Why do you gotta be like that, Brian?" I say defensively and Shawn chuckles. "When are you guys going to start dating anyway? You know how many times I get asked if my friends are dating because that can't keep their eyes off of each other!" Brain adds and I huff, but then realized Shawn was literally on top of me.

We both laughed once coming back to reality and he looked down at me and made a silly face. His smile was contagious and I found myself blushing. It's been happening often. Shawn and I are always doing things you'd expect couples doing.

I should probably just brush it off- we'd never date- he tells me he likes a girl anyway.

"Ah shush, Brian. Did you bring our food?" Shawn sits up and I'm brought back from my thoughts. "Yeah- I didn't know you were gonna be here B- I'll share my lunch with you." Brian tells me and I politely say no thank you, I was just at Victoria's place.

The three of us made our way to the kitchen and I watched Brian and Shawn scarf down all their fast food. I was tired, it was a long day at school and I just wanted to go and nap, I'll probably get going now.

"Shawn, I'm going to be on my way, I'm tired." I tell him, Brian pouts taking another bite of his sandwich, "I'll see you tomorrow, B." He says and I hug him. "Lemme walk you out," Shawn offers and I smile.

"Are you alright?" Shawn asks me, I nod my head. "Yeah I'm fine- just thinking." I giggle and he breathes out. "I'll see you tomorrow, Shawn." I walk out the door and he grabs my hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow," his eyes locked with mine, assuring me. "Yeah, bye Shawn." I choked up. What's gotten into me?

Flashback ;) just a filler about Shawn and Becca's relationship because next chapter there will be drama!

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