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rebeccaaa13: you'd never think I was 9 months pregnant almost 6 months ago

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rebeccaaa13: you'd never think I was 9 months pregnant almost 6 months ago. #confident #shawnsgonnakillme Liked by: victoria43, amaracraigen and 87,564 others

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shawnmendes shit baby ur showing too much skin 😤
shawnmendes but I love you
sluttyshawnn MY GOALS
sluttyshawnn follow my IG for textposts!!


Shawn's POV

I can't breathe. It's literally 2 am and I'm still awake, pacing back and forth, waiting for a response from her.

Will she ever answer? Did I really just do this? She has to answer though. She's always texting me and she thinks I never see what she says. Brian better have told her that I miss her. She thinks I hate her and it's driving me crazy, I can't sleep, I can't eat, hell, I can't think straight because of her. What we had.

It's over.

I rely on this constant pain as I'm sat in the corner of the room, everything's reminding me of her. Nursing an empty bottle and I'm telling myself she's happier.

It's like I'm infected by her, she's in my blood and she's in veins. She never leaves my mind and she's awake in my dreams. I'll drink to forget her name but I wind up forgetting my own as hers is painfully stuck in my head till the day after.

And I guess that's why so many people call love a weakness. Because while it strengthens you, it also makes you the most vulnerable you've ever been.

And months later I am still feeling that heart aching pain I caused on myself by leaving her. No one will ever love her like I do, no matter if she moves on with someone new. She was my everything, always supporting me and making me feel strong. And I was right there for her too.

Why do I fuck everything up?

"Answer, God dammit!" I slam my fists on the counter and wipe the beads of sweat on my forehead from getting too worked up about her.

But I'm supposed to be happier here, with my new life and new friends and dreams, right? I could try to smile to hide the truth, but I know I was happier with her.

Becca's POV

"Oh my gosh, she's so precious." A women around my age approaches me as I'm walking Sydney and all the food I'm buying through the grocery store. "Thank you," I laugh, she starts playing with my daughter.

"How is old is she? Just a couple months?"

"She'll be 6 months on the 7th." She looks so familiar, does she know Brian? Shawn? Too many friends.

"Aw how lovely, she looks just like you, you're so young and lucky." The brunette compliments me and we literally start walking around the grocery story together.

"I'm just frustrated she hasn't realized to crawl yet." I laugh pushing my food cart, the women shakes her head and looks at me. "Oh don't rush her! Capture every moment because time flies,"

"Yeah Shawn tells me that, my boyfriend." I tell her and she nods at 'boyfriend'. Maybe she knows Shawn. What if she's just thinking wow boyfriend? What am I even saying. "She's not going to be so little forever."

"Does Shawn like these?" I think out loud holding up the cup noodles and slowly putting them in my cart.


I'm laying in my bed, trying so hard not to fall asleep but all these little sounds coming from Sydney's crib are making these blankets drown me in a deep sleep. "Hey babygirl, I'm back from the studio. Is she sleeping?" Shawn jumps on the bed next to me and I laugh.

"If you loved me you'd let me sleep," I whisper kissing his lips gently and he smiles. "I have an interview tomorrow night," he tells me wrapping his arms around me. "More talk about my child! And our relationship," I joke and he closes his eyes.

"My father called me today, wanted to come by and visit some day." I breathe out playing with Shawn's hair. "I don't want to see him, like ever. He doesn't get us and I don't care anymore, this is my life."

"So who's gonna walk you down the aisle when we get married?" He simply asks and my heart stops. "Huh?!" I shot up on the bed and look at Shawn. "When we get married, who's going to walk you-"

"We're getting married?" I pull him up and look into his eyes. "Yeah? Wasn't that our plan since forever?"

"Yeah but I never knew when and it really makes me nervous."

"Whenever you want. What? You want a ring to prove it?" He pulls out a box in his pocket and my eyes widen. "I've held onto this forever, for the right moment but if I knew it's been bothering you-"

"Shawn!" I shut him up by smashing my lips to him and it just feels so good. We're gonna get married. "Baby girl, would you marry me?" He opens the box and takes the most beautiful ring and reached out. "Holy shit yes!" I kiss him again before jumping off the bed to get Sydney. "You're gonna wake her up!"

"Sydney baby! We're gonna get married!" I pick my daughter up and she yawns but then laughs when she sees me. "Yesss!!!!" I coo as she gurgles some noises which leaves Shawn cackling.


rebeccaaa13: Shawn's got some big hands, we're getting married btwwww #finally #engaged #shawnyboy Liked by: victoria43, breemclee and 98,573 others

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rebeccaaa13: Shawn's got some big hands, we're getting married btwwww #finally #engaged #shawnyboy Liked by: victoria43, breemclee and 98,573 others

view all 67,529 comments

shawnmendes I love you
sluttyshawnn YESSS
sluttyshawnn follow my IG for textposts!!

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