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Becca's POV

"I can't fucking believe my eyes," I choke up and Brian looks at me.

"You don't know the truth, Becca, let me talk to him. I'm sure he's-" I stop my cousin, "let you talk to him? Yeah and when you find out that he's sleeping with a girl-" I try to say, my voice cracks and a tear rolls down my face. "Becca- Shawn isn't like that- you know it." Amara tells me and I look away.

Leaked videos of Shawn and this girl at a club last night flood my mind- some are saying she's his groupie or something. I am so tired of Shawn constantly hurting me.

Just when I thought he'd mend me, he broke me even more.

"No- apparently I don't know him." I grab my purse and head out the door, hearing Amara call my name behind me.

"I'm leaving," I shout, heading to my car and entering it. Where do I go? Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.

I'm about to blow off like $3,000, aren't I?

I shut off my phone knowing that people are going to spam me with text messages and calls. It takes 35 minutes before I arrive at the airport. I enter and head over to the main desk of the airline I'm most familiar with.

"I need a ticket to Hawaii as soon as possible," I tell her and she nods, her long finger nails clicking at the keyboard in front of her. She looks up at me and asks what time is best.

"The earliest please. Whichever one that is." I just need to get out of here. I need oxygen.

"The earliest flight to Hawaii is in forty five minutes with extra pay. Are you flying first class?"

"Yes," I nod. Might as well. It's well needed, right? I give her my credit card information and take a seat. I silently pray that Shawn won't know what I'm up to and arrive here.

I feel relieved when I hear that the flight to Hawaii is boarding. I grab my purse and enter the plane. I wish I had my luggage right about now. But if I would've packed Brian and Amara would have knew I was traveling and arrive at the airport to try and stop me.

I'll just buy whatever I need when I arrive there. I take a seat on the plane and another girl who looks around my age sits next to me.

"Hi, I'm Hanna!" She smiles and I return the kind gesture.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Becca," I help her get her luggage in storage and we sit in our seats anxious about this flight.

We both continue to converse back and forth about ourselves and I could already see us becoming close friends. Once we were flying, Hanna and I literally just spilled out all of our worries into each other.

"I'm sorry Shawn is like this- he has to come around. I can tell he really likes you." I sigh,
"I really hope so."

"I hate false hope. It really sucks."

"So you're going to Hawaii alone too?" I ask her and she nods.

"My boyfriend is physically abusive and this was my only opportunity to escape."

"That's crazy, Hanna."

Shawn's POV

"Really Shawn? Again?!" Andrew reprimands at me as we walk into some building for an urgent meeting. "I have better shit to do," I mumble as I hold the big glass door for him, he asked the secretary at the desk where we have to go, this place was almost as foreign as my memory of last night.

"I don't even remember what the hell happened," I look up at Andrew and he scoffs, "you're not a normal teenager anymore, Shawn."

"The hell I know I'm not! I fucking hate it, I should be able to do what I love without being judged, told what to do and reprimanded when it's not to the expectations you have." I just blew up on him. My face softens when he shakes his head and Geoff walks up to us and says he heard the whole thing.

"Fine- I'll shut up." I grunt as I take a seat next to my two colleagues as people in suits approach us, management.

"Good afternoon, Shawn, Andrew and Geoff." Some lady in a blazer starts. "As you can probably assume, this meeting will be about Shawn, our client, his actions have sparked some concern in the media.

"I'm not a piece of property," I mumble under my breath and Geoff sighs. "You're acting like a kid,"

I toned the lady out, I am starting to remember what happened last night.

"Hiya!" A young lady with golden blonde hair approaches me, I nodded up at her and said hello. I could tell by her slurred speech she was intoxicated and just wanted to get in my pants. "I'm sorry, you seem like a great girl but I have feelings for someone else, real feelings." I say thinking of Becca's smile.

I haven't texted her today, I feel bad I usually tell her when I'm in another city. She told me in two weeks she wants to join me on tour. I can't wait to travel with her.

"Fine- come walk me out then." She says winking. "Why? I'm sure you know you're way home." I raise an eyebrow and she scoffs. "I don't, I'm new here." She tells me and starts pulling my arm.

"So am I," I say and snatch my arm from her grasp. I don't want any trouble. "Please," she says and I give in and walk out with her.

"Thanks, baby," she says as I take her hand and walk out of the bar. I barely finished my drink, I obviously wasn't drunk but I wasn't perfectly fine either. My sight became blurry as I walked right into a crowd of flashing cameras and people screaming my name.

"You set me up!" I grunt as I nastily let go of her. "No?" She says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah- alright." I say trying to walk away from all of this. "I don't know what you're talking about." She grins walking into a black car. Probably one of the paparazzi cars.

"Bitch," I slur as I walk down the street, back to the hotel where I'm probably going to have more shit.

I was brought back to reality when I heard Becca's name in a conversation. "What about Becca?" I demand and Andrew gives me a look. "We want you to eliminate contact with her, because ever since you have been fonding over her- you've been getting into trouble." Geoff turns to me and half smiles.

"Excuse me? You can't tell me what to do! She's my friend and I love her." I say and everyone looks at me shocked. What? Was it not obvious I'm in love with my best friend? "Actually we can."

"Actually, you can't. I am the one making you money right? I have a say in this. She's my friend." I say and the lady's face softens- realizing I was right.

"You signed a contract," a man next to her brings up, "So? I can easily end that right now if I felt like it. I don't have to tour anymore, the tickets are awfully expensive and my fans aren't happy about it." I stand up and the lady sits down and takes a sip of her water.

"Shawn, enough." Andrew says, he's just pissed because he can't control me right now. "Let's not even talk about the meet and greet prices." I roll my eyes and grin knowing I'm making everyone angry. I grab my things and make my way to the door.

"I'm totally not a normal teenager, sure." I mock and leave.

I sigh at the stupidity of this meeting. I am so sick and tired of this. I thought this was my happy place, the tour. I guess it's not. I quickly shoot Becca a text saying I wanted to talk to her. Becca responds moments later saying she really can't talk right now.

I was concerned and asked her why. Shawn, I'm taking a vacation from all of your drama. I saw that girl. I hope she's making you happier.

What is she talking about? What did the media fucking say about me?

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