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Becca's POV

"Oh wow- this song- it fucks me up." I literally feel the tears as I turn to Shawn and Bree in the kitchen. "You are one direction trash!" Bree laughs and I sigh as we listen to 18, by 1D.

"She's full of hormones that's it!" Shawn says and we both laughed at him. He was angry at nothing and we are giving him so much shit right now.

It's been a month since I got the results back, I was pregnant and have been to the doctors a couple times already to make sure everything is going good. Nobody knows but Bree. Nobody.

"Yeah she's definitely got some hormones going on alright," Bree jokes and Shawn mumbles something under his breath. "Why are you so angry babe?" I ask leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"My manager is being a complete dick!" He frowns taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Yuck are there tomatoes on this?" Shawn literally gags handing me his lunch and I dig in. "Andrew?" Bree asks and he nods his head no. "No, my publicist," he mumbles and I suddenly get nervous. What would happen with Shawn when they found out we are having a baby?! As crazy as it sounds I never thought of that.

I look at Bree and she shrugs. "What do you have to do?" I ask him, leaning my head on his shoulder. He looks down at me and closes his eyes. "I have to break up with you,"


Shawn's POV

I groan running my fingers through my hair as the hot water beads down on my neck. I am so fucking tired of my job. I've been getting nothing but hate from other celebrities and even my fans now.

I don't want to hurt Becca anymore. All I fucking do is hurt her. She's everything to me. I wish times were different. I just want to hold her in my arms forever. I don't want to spend one single moment without her. I want to grow old with her and settle down.

"Why am I such a fuck up?" My voice cracks into a whimper. I'm so fucking weak. I'm nothing anymore. Absolutely nothing.

I finally turn the shower off because I used all of the hot water over thinking and shit- I'm just so so weak. "Shawn?" Becca's soft voice comes from the other side of the door, followed with two light knocks. "Yes?" I choke on my words slowly opening the door to her petite body.

"Can we talk about this?" She says, almost whispering as a tear escapes her eye. I swoop in and wipe it away, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Man, this girl is my everything.

I nod as she motions to the bed to sit down. "So we have to fake break up?" She looks at me, her eyes crinkle and a little laugh comes from her. "You think it's funny?" I grin at her laughing and she shrugs sighing.

"Not really, I don't want anyone controlling my Instagram account like my mom used to do in high school." She jokes and I laugh, agreeing.

"So don't let them- don't give a fuck! Make the media mad. Who cares?" I say laying back. "It's gonna be a bigger situation then what you think, Shawn." She sighs and I look up at her dead in the face. "Then please tell me why you're so pissed?" I spat back and her face lights up with anger.

"Why aren't you? We have to fucking break up!" She puts her hand on my chest. Her touch brings me into my vulnerable state. "It's fake though," I fire back and she closes her eyes.

She was just fine with this moments ago...

"No- this isn't Shawn- at least not for me." She sighs walking to the other side of the room. "Why not? You've been through publicity stunts and stuff, what's so different? They just think we aren't dating." I cool down and she shakes her head.

I'm at a loss of words right now. I love her, who cares what's going on outside these shades. "Shawn, I need to tell you something," she speaks up moments after. I could see the fear in her eyes, she looked right to the ground when I noticed. "Yeah?" I ask and she sighs.

"I'm pregnant." Becca tells me and I couldn't put any words together. She's what? "You're pregnant?" I gulp and she nods immediately looking anywhere but at me.

A huge cheeky smile was replaced on my face and I couldn't help it. "We're going to have a baby?" My eyes widen at her and she looks up, shocked at my expression.

"Yea-" she tries finishing but I jump and pull her into my arms. My whole body was on fire. I spun her around and kissed her everywhere. She was giggling so much and I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. "We're having a baby?" I say again, putting her down on the bed. Her cheeks were a tainted red from blushing and I couldn't stop grinning.

"Shawn, wait a second- I know you're really shocked right now but- we need to talk this out."

"Does anyone know? Your mother- my mother?! We need to tell them! And Bree-"

"Bree knows, we found out that night I got sick in the restaurant." Becca explains and I nod smiling. "Shawn," she speaks up again and I'm snapped out of my thoughts about our future together. "You didn't tell Victoria yet? I remember you guys promised each other that-"

"Stop thinking about me for a second- your management. They want us apart."

"Fuck," my heart starts racing again and the adrenaline of pure excitement was replaced by worry. "Shit, what are they gonna fucking say?" I turn around from my girlfriend and pace back and forth, thinking of everything bad that could possibly happen.

"I'm only 24!"

I'm so dead.

"Shawn-" Becca says trying to turn me around to face her. "No Rebecca, stop it. You're pregnant?!" I scoff using her full name and she seemed taken off for a bit.

Dammit, I got her angry. She took a deep breath and furrowed her eyebrows.

Well, the media will be too soon so, I might as well have everything I love fall down on me. "And that's my fault?" She chokes up and I sigh. "Shit- I'm sorry- I know that was fucked up and I love you and-"

"Fuck off," she says slamming the door on her way out.

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