twenty one

273 14 0

Shawn's POV (continued)

I was stumbling through the airport, I had no luggage, no security and no disguise. I'm so overwhelmed and I didn't have a hood to cover my face. I just looked down at the floor quickly saying sorry to whoever I bumped into.

"Hey watch it-" I bumped into someone, and immediately apologized, as I was walking away he grabbed at my sleeve. "Hey- I know who you are. You're that singer." He says and suddenly more people noticed.

"Uh- yeah." I say and he nods, "take it easy." I walked away and breathed out. This isn't gonna be so bad right? Just gotta get outside and rent an Uber. I'm just a regular guy trying to get home.

I walked through the airport and went outside,
relieved I was familiar with my surroundings.

And then, there were fans. I nodded off at them all and started walking away. How did people find me already? "Can I have your autograph?" A British accent wakes me from my thoughts and steps in front of me.

Fans caught up to me and I smile and say hello and tell them I'll chat with in a minute before turning my attention to the man. He was looking down on his phone, I've noticed on his shirt his name tag is from some company that has to do with celebrities.


"Why do you want my autograph for?" I say as the man makes eye contact with me. "It's for my little sister, she's a fan." He says, breaking eye contact.

If I've ever learned anything from Rebecca's father it was how to tell if someone was lying. I was always so observant when he came around, to protect Rebecca of course.

"Cmon, why are you lying?" I sigh and he furrows his eyebrows. "Lying? Why would I be lying? I want your signature-"

"Your name tag says it all," I point to it and he rolls his eyes. My fans started moving closer to me and I held my arms up shielding them from everything I've prayed that'll never break me and my fans' bond.

The media.

"Are you saying my sisters not a real fan and I'm some sort of bad guy?"

"No, I never said that. I'm saying you work for a company that makes shit stories up about people who work really hard for the world like me and I don't want to give my signature away to someone who would rather make a profit from it than cherish this merchandise." I say putting my hands up and he scoffs.

"I love my fans and do everything for them-" then he talks over me. "Then why can't you sign it?"

"Because people like you!" I start and my fans all gasp. I just wanted to laugh in this guys face right now. "People like me what?"

"You sell the signatures." I say and people were preaching from behind me. This is a fucking waste of my time but I'm glad I have my fans here to back me up.

And we kept bickering until I've had enough. "Say swear to God, you don't sell them."

"I swear." He mumbles, his accent thick and I roll my eyes. "It's for my sister."

"Alright man," I say and my fans started tugging me away. "How olds your sister?" I move back his way and he looks up. "17."

"And what's your sister's name?" I start back up and he blinks a couple times. "Shawn- it's not worth it," a girl tugs at my jacket and him and I start at it again.

"I know you're fucking lying, I don't know why you have to be such a dick, I'm a regular guy." I spat and immediately regret cursing in public.

"You know nothing about me," I shake my head in disbelief and continue, "so why do you- how do you think you could have a right to say anything about me." I speak up, I'm right and when this goes viral tonight I'm sure assholes like him are going to totally miss what I'm saying because I'm so 'selfish'.

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