Chapter 4: A Change Of Pace

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Don't let him sing you a sad song

Waiting for love like this too long

All that you need I can give you

I do, satisfy you

-Puff Daddy Satisfy You

Ginny woke up the next morning with the thought in her head that she would not let any idiotic thing that Harry would do today get to her. She would grin and bare it because the more he did, the more reason she would have to leave him when the time was right. She truly hated to have to think that way, but what else could she do? Ginny was no one's doormat, and just because he was the Chosen One, didn't mean he could treat her any kind of way.

She decided instead of waiting on Ron and Harry like she would usually do, she would just go to the kitchens and get a quick breakfast to take with her and avoid the rush. Besides, she had to talk to Professor Snape about something important.

She went to the kitchens, where Dobby and the others were happy to send her off with pastries and hot chocolate, and then headed down to Potions.

Now the trio and pretty much all of Gryffindor may have hated Snape with a passion, but Ginny found that he was one of her favorite teachers. She excelled in Potions, and he couldn't help but notice her drive and determination. Ginny was by far one of Snape's favorite students outside of Slytherin. She didn't complain, she stayed on task, she was smart, and she always completed her assignments on time and near perfection. Plus she had a wit about her that was more endearing than annoying.

"Professor, you wanted to see me?" asked Ginny when she walked into the classroom.

"Ah Miss Weasley, sit. I have a proposition for you." said Snape in his monotone voice. "As you know, your knack for potions is impeccable. As I am no longer the DADA teacher, I have decided to teach potions again along with Slughorn. I will be taking over the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th year classes. I would like very much for you to attend the 7th year classes, starting tomorrow."

Ginny was excited. She had the opportunity to skip 6th year Potions entirely. Not even Hermione was given the opportunity to skip to a higher class in a subject. " I'm honored Professor, but why can't I start today?"

"Today your class will be learning about Amortentia and that's a very important milestone to cross in 6th year. I thought you would want to get that out of your way seeing as I will not be brewing such a silly potion."

"Don't wanna smell hair gel and snake venom professor?" joked Ginny, knowing she would get away with it.

Snape gave a rare smile. “I will enjoy having your cheek in my class again Miss Weasley. Although I will expect nothing but the best from you. This is a N.E.W.T. level class."

"Yes sir, I understand. Thanks for the opportunity."

"See your HOH for your new timetable. Now run along. I'll see you in the morning." said Snape, waving her off.

Ginny left the classroom with a huge smile on her face. Good breakfast, the opportunity to take an advanced class for her grade, nothing could bring her happiness down.

"Did you see how good he looked today? He's almost a Beetle!" Ginny overheard a girl’s voice say.

"A beetle? Like the bugs? Heather that's gross." said another girl’s voice.

"Ugh I forget. You're a pureblood Susan. You don't know about the Muggle band The Beatles."

"No I don't. But I'll take your word for it. If you're comparing them to Harry Potter then they must be hot!" said Susan.

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