Chapter 16: A Blind Chance

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I keep letting you back in

How can I explain myself

As painful as this thing has been

I just can't be with no one else

See I know what we got to do

You let go and I'll let go too

'Cause no one's hurt me more than you

And no one ever will

-Lauryn Hill Ex Factor

Sunday morning Ginny found herself waking up to loud knocking coming from Draco's door and again, in Draco's strong arms.

Draco groaned as he unwrapped himself from around Ginny and went to the door, opening it to find a frantic Hermione, bouncing back and forth.

"Where is Ginny? I need her right now! Ron and Harry are arguing outside the door!" said Hermione, anxiously.

"Shit!" said Ginny, springing out of the bed, thankful she had on Hermione's pajamas this time instead of Draco's.

"Come on Drayke, Imma need some muscle!" she said grabbing him and pulling him along.

They went out of the dorm room door. "BUT THATS WHAT IM HERE FOR RON, I'M TRYING TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT!" yelled a disheveled Harry. "YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE ME!"

"I'M NOT THE ONE THAT SNOGS YOU SO I DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE SHIT!" yelled a rage filled Ron. Both boys looked like they had scuffled a bit before they got to shouting.

Against the wall stood a scared looking Susan Bones. Ginny took out her wand ready to hex her, when Hermione stopped her and pulled Susan into the dorm.

"You two talk to this one." instructed Hermione. "I'll try to calm things between Harry and Ron."


Before Hermione could answer, Ron and Harry had brought the argument inside. "THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO RON, DAMMIT LET ME DO IT!"


Harry turned to face a furious Ginny, wand pointed directly at his face.

"Look Ginny I'm so so sorry. But it wasn't my fault, I swear!" pleaded Harry.

Ginny was flabbergasted. "Wasn't your fault?! What did you do, slip and fall on her vagina?!"

"No, she made me do it! I couldn't help it!" said Harry looking sad and defeated.

"The hell are you talking about?" asked Ginny confused. The whole room was utterly confused, except for Susan and Harry.

"Look she's really sorry for it, but Susan slipped me one of your brothers love potions into my drink at dinner. I couldn't help myself. I really didn't realize what I was doing until I saw you, Gin. Your face snapped me out of it. I felt downright awful."

Draco rolled his eyes. 'This git is pathetic. A love potion. How convenient' he thought.

"I...I don't believe you" said Ginny in a hesitant voice.

"It's true." spoke up Susan. "I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I figured since you two were rocky, I could take advantage of the situation. I already confessed to Professor Sprout about what I’ve done, and I'm lucky to get a month's worth of detentions. I could have been expelled. You can ask her if you don't believe me."

Ginny stared daggers at Susan. At first, she didn't believe a word Harry had said. But now, with Professor Sprout knowing and Susan getting detention for it, she started to come around.

"You need to leave Susan. Right now before I give you a bat-bogey so hard, it'll break your nose." said Ginny in a calm anger. Susan ran out the room, fast as lightning.

Everyone turned to Harry as he plopped down on the couch, looking extremely helpless. No one knew what to say, especially Ginny who looked from the group to Harry, broken.

Harry got up off the couch and went over to Ginny. He grabbed her hands and kissed them. "Gin I'm so so so so sorry. You gotta believe me. I would never ever do you wrong like that. I love you."

That woke Draco up out of his shock. "Oh you cannot be serious! You love her?! You've practically ignored her for weeks, you almost fucked another bitch, and now you come in here telling her that you love her?!"

"Shut the fuck up Malfoy, this is none of your business!" said Harry taking Ginny into his arms, holding her tight.

"Yes the hell it is my business! It's my business when you hurt her and she comes to me crying over your bitch ass and I'm here trying to repair the damage that you caused. You're nothing but a prick Potter!"


"BOTH OF YOU STOP!" yelled Ginny breaking out of Harry's arms.

Ron and Hermione stood awkwardly watching the scene unfold. They knew that Draco was right. But they believed their best friend. Well Ron did. Something wasn't sitting quite well with Hermione.

"Harry, you have no right to be mad at Draco. He is my friend and honestly, he has been there for me when you have not." said Ginny.

"I realize that Gin, and I promise to change. I promise to be there for you all the time. I’ve just been feeling the pressure with this Chosen One bullshit, and Voldemort. I'm damaged Gin." pleaded Harry.

"Oh Merlin, you can't be buying this." mumbled Draco.

Ginny looked into Harry's vibrant green eyes. She wanted to see even the slightest hint of a lie in them. But all she saw was him begging for her trust.

"Please don't continue to fuck me over Harry." she said in a low voice. "I guarantee you I won't be as forgiving next time."

Draco's jaw dropped, his mind completely blown. He watched in disgust as Harry and Ginny hugged each other close. As Harry rested his chin on Ginny's shoulder, he looked at Draco, and gave him a sinister grin.

Draco sneered at him. He knew what that smile meant. It meant that Harry was a liar, a manipulator. Harry had won this round, and he knew it.

"I love you Ginny" said Harry still staring at Draco with his conniving smirk. "I love you so much."

Ginny said nothing. She smiled slightly and broke the hug. Harry went over to Ron. "I'm sorry mate. You know full well I wouldn't intentionally hurt your sister."

"I know mate." said Ron happy that the ordeal was over and that he could forgive his best friend.

Harry then turned to Hermione and smiled. Hermione didn't return it nor did she say a word. She glared at him.

She motioned Draco to follow her as she walked out the dorm. Draco followed and closed the door.

"You don't believe him either do you?" whispered Hermione.

"Hell no I don't. He's played both Ron and Ginny. The evil bastard smiled at me while he hugged her."

"As believable as the love potion story can be, it just seems too convenient. I'm going to keep my eyes on him. I'll understand if you don't though." said Hermione.

Draco sighed. "I want to be there for her, but I truly can't. You know why. I'm not going to keep sitting here and watching her get hurt while I'm hurting my damn self. It isn't fair to her, and it definitely isn't fair to me."

"But Draco-"

"No.” interrupted Draco. “I'll be her friend still. But when it comes to that wanker, all I can do is wash my hands to the situation. I can't save a girl that doesn't want to be saved."

And with that Draco walked away leaving Hermione shedding a few tears.

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