Chapter 28: Wrackspurts and Nargles

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I know he did you wrong

But tell me what does that have to do with me

Trying to show you something real

Figure out what is going on

Before you look up and I'll be gone..

I'll do anything to prove I love you

Baby girl but I refuse

To pay for something I didn't do, girl

I love you, and I love you I love you

-Usher His Mistakes

After dinner, Fleur went to bed early. Bill, Charlie, the twins, and Lee decided to take Ron, Draco, and Harry out to do what they called "manly things" ("They're gonna try to get us pissed" clarified Ron. "I'm in!" cheered Draco) while Angelina and Alicia set up a tent in the yard for a impromptu sleepover.

Since Mrs. Weasley knew that the boys would be much later than she would normally want them to be, she insisted on Daphne staying and participating with the girls. Daphne reluctantly agreed, but figured she would try to make some sort of amends and have a good time.

The tent was a schoolgirl's dream on the inside. Pillows were everywhere along with snacks, nail polish, make up, hair accessories, cameras, and candies.

"Haven't had a proper sleepover in a long time." said Alicia. "Figured that we could have some girly fun. Make ourselves pretty, stuff our faces, and talk about boys."

The younger girls smiled and nodded and soon everyone was laughing and getting along. They took turns fixing each other's hair and doing each other's nails and makeup. Even Daphne and Ginny were getting along, as Daphne had actually took care in giving Ginny a pedicure.

Hermione made some of her bluebell lights and put them in jars and they sat around them in a circle.

"Okay time to talk about boys!" shrieked Alicia as the others laughed and threw popcorn at her.

"I have a question Alicia." said Hermione. "Is it Lee or is it George? Don't you think it's time for you to pick?"

"THANK YOU, HERMIONE!" shouted Angelina.

Alicia rolled her eyes. "You two are a barrel of laughs. But to answer your question Hermione, neither. George doesn't take relationships seriously, and Lee is hung on on Katie fucking Bell."

Now it was Angelina's turn to roll her eyes. "Oh come on Ali, I keep telling you that shit won't last. He only sees her on Hogsmeade visits and besides, the last time they saw each other they argued."

"Still, I know when to throw in the towel. Besides, my fun isn't entirely ruined. Anyways, Hermione, since you want to be so nosy, when are you and Ron getting married? And have you two done the deed yet?"

Hermione looked as if she was proud. "I don't know. And yes we have. Many, many times."

Everyone in the tent shrieked. "I didn't think you would actually answer! Is he any good?" asked Angelina enthusiastically.

Hermione laughed. "I mean he is the only person I have had sex with so I can't really compare, but he does make me feel positively brilliant."

"Don't worry about that dear. I don't have anyone to compare Fred to either" said Angelina.

"Really? Fred is your only?" asked Ginny amazed.

"Well yeah. It's always been just us" laughed Angelina.

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