Chapter 13: Shattered

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I don't wanna hurt you but you live for the pain

I'm not tryna say it but it's what you became

You want me to fix you but it's never enough

That's why you always call me cause you're scared to be loved

But I'll always be there for you,

I'll always be there for you

I'll always be there for you, girl I have no shame

-The Weeknd Shameless

Ginny had went into shock and had to stay in the hospital wing taking doses of Pepper up potion throughout the following day. Hermione, Draco, and Ron had gotten permission to miss classes to stick by her. Hermione was trying to find the best way to tell Ron about what happened to Ginny without the results being a bloodbath.

"Just tell him Hermione! He is gonna find out anyways once Ginny starts talking." argued Draco.

"I know this thank you! But you know what Ron will do. He will go for blood. He can get expelled!" yelled Hermione.

"Then stay with him. Either you're telling him or I will!"

"FINE! I'll tell him. You have no bloody tact and no control with Ron. You'll only make things worse because you want Harry hurt." huffed Hermione.

"You damn right I do! Ginny hasn't done anything to to prick and he cheats on her?! Not to mention I don't like his ass anyways, so this just gave me a bloody reason to kick hiss ass." yelled Draco.

"Right. If you get expelled how do you think Ginny would feel? She actually considers you a friend."said Hermione.

"That's because I am her friend. You think I hang around her just to play games?"

"You care for her Malfoy?" gasped Hermione.

Draco stared at her trying hard not to answer the question. But he figured someone besides Blaise had to know. "A hell of a lot better than Potter does. That's for certain."

Hermione looked at Draco wide eyed. She knew that their was some form of a friendship between Ginny and Draco, but she never thought that he cared for her beyond that. In reality, she really thought he only hung out with her to get to Harry. That was Harry's theory at least. But after this? She didn't even know if she wanted to talk to Harry anymore.

"Come get me when she is ready to leave." said Draco walking away from her. Hermione nodded at no one as she went back in the hospital wing and went to talk to Ron.

When she approached Ron, she seen that he had a very angry look on his face. He locked his eyes onto Hermione's and she read every emotion they were putting out. Anger. Rage. Fear. Heartbreak. Pain. Ginny had told him what happened.

Ginny was sitting up face drenched with tears. Hermione went to her, giving her a tight hug and whispering in her ear how it'll be okay. She then took Ron's hand and told Ginny they would be back with Draco in a minute.

She walked out the hospital wing with Ron. He took a few steps and then broke down. He put his back against the wall and slid down it, put his face in his hands, and started crying.

Hermione kneeled in front of him and ran her fingers through his hair. The only times Ron ever cried in front of Hermione was when he was extremely mad at Cormac for trying to force himself onto her during 6th year.

So she knew that Ron was about to erupt.

"Ron sweetheart, you have to calm yourself. It's going to be okay. Ginny will pull through. She's a Weasley after all. You guys are strong. " whispered Hermione in Ron's ear as she drew him closer to her.

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