Chapter 17: Yuletide Plans

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Oh, I remember you driving to my house

In the middle of the night.

I'm the one who makes you laugh

When you know you're 'bout to cry.

I know your favorite songs,

And you tell me about your dreams.

Think I know where you belong,

Think I know it's with me.

-Taylor Swift You Belong With Me

The weeks passed quickly, and soon it was time for the Christmas holidays. Ginny and Harry had seemed to get back to the way they were in Harry's 6th year. Ginny was enjoying having the old Harry back that she knew and loved. Ron too, was thrilled to have his best friend back and acting the way he should be to his sister.

Draco and Hermione on the other hand didn't trust this old/new Harry Potter for a second. Hermione kept the feeling that things were not as Harry described them, and Draco kept an eye on him, as he didn't trust a word that came out of his mouth nor a movement that he made.

Despite Harry and his feelings, he still maintained his friendship with Ginny. He had come to see her as another best friend. Someone else besides Blaise that he could open up to. He figured that he might as well be friends with her than absolutely nothing. This however, did not change his innermost feelings for her, which ran deep. At times, much too deep.

On the last week of school for 1st term, everyone was deciding what they wanted to do for their Christmas break. Ron had decided to go with Hermione to her home for the holidays ("Don't bring her back pregnant!" "Ginny!") and Harry had gotten a letter from the Dursleys telling him that he needed to come back to Privet Drive.

"Why would those horrible people want you back there?" asked Ginny as she laid on Harry's bed, looking over the letter that he had just finished reading. "They have been trying to get rid of you ever since they found you on their doorstep."

"Probably since I'm of age now they want to make sure I get all my affairs in order. I won't be going back there when school is over, and they more than likely want to be sure of that."

"Where will you go?" asked Ginny.

"Well, Sirius has been wanting me to come live with him ever since after 3rd year, but with circumstances being what they were I couldn't. But now since I'm of age and he’s free, I can. I'm actually very excited." said Harry, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm excited for you too Harry. You'll have a proper family." said Ginny kissing Harry on the cheek.

"I've had a proper family since my 1st year, Gin. You guys have always been my family. You, Ron, Hermione, and your family of course."

"Oh Harry you sappy git." said Ginny, giving Harry a nice sweet kiss on the lips.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" asked Harry after he broke away from each other.

"No. I'm staying here. Mum and Dad are going to visit Charlie in Romania since Ron is going with Hermione. I didn't feel like being burned this year, so I'm just going to stay and catch up on some work, hang with Luna or something."

"You should come with me." said Harry.

"Last time I was there, I got hit on by your bloody blimp of a cousin, your aunt insulted my lankiness and lack of 'child bearing hips', and your uncle accused me of seducing his son. So no, I'd rather not.”

"Oh yes. I had forgotten. Well I'll write to you everyday. If I end up getting things done early, I will come back and stay here with you. How about that?"

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