Chapter 14: The Plot

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I know it's hard to start again

To find somebody new

But don't you be afraid

Rough times don't last but true lovers do

As the night follows the day

Some you win and some you lose

But don't give up on love

Sometimes you clear the old to get to the new

-B2K Baby Girl

Ginny woke up feeling extra warm. It reminded her of warm summer days at the Burrow, where she would lay out by the lake for hours without a care in the world.

Instead of the lake, she found herself in a sea of green, and she wasn't warmed by the sun, she was warmed by a body.

Somehow during the night, Ginny and Draco had ended up facing each other. Their legs were intertwined, Ginny's head ended up on Draco's chest, and his head ended up on top of hers.

Ginny had never slept like this with a boy before. Harry hadn't even laid like this with her. She figured that she more than likely wouldn't feel this comfortable with him anyways so she out Harry far from the front of her mind.

She turned her head up and looked at Draco's face. 'So innocent. You would never know he was the git son of a Death Eater' thought Ginny smiling at the peacefully sleeping Draco. She found herself gazing at him. To her, he looked completely innocent when he slept, like an angel that was being punished for things that he hasn't even done. In a way, that was the very truth of the situation.

He had a piece of his long bang (which he called front hairs because he said that saying men had bangs was almost like saying he was a girl)hanging in his face, and Ginny couldn't help but to gently move it. Draco woke up with a start and looked down at Ginny with a smile.

"Well. Aren't you the lucky one to be waking up so such a handsome devil in the morning." said Draco, sleepily.

"Oh yes. I never imagined waking up to such an Adonis. My heart is all a flutter, and my morning is officially complete."joked Ginny.

"An Adonis? You flatter me Ginger. Keep em coming."


"That I am. Well I'm about to hop in the shower before your brother or Hermione get in and use up all the hot water." said Draco, reluctantly untangling himself from Ginny

"Wait a second. I'm the guest. I should get first shower, don't you think?" smiled Ginny

"You can't be serious."

"Oh but I am" said Ginny as she jumped out of Draco's bed and headed for the shower.

Draco grabbed his wand and pointed it at the running red head. "Accio Ginevra" he said, and Ginny went flying back into him onto the bed.

"That's not even fair! And don't you dare call me Ginevra!" yelled Ginny, laughing as she poked Draco in his side.

Draco grabbed Ginny and started tickling her. She laughed loudly, kicking and screaming, begging him to stop. When he finally did, she smacked him hard with his pillow, ran for the bathroom, and locked the door.

"Well played Weasley!" he yelled through the bathroom door.

After her shower, Ginny decided to wake up Hermione to borrow some clothes. She didn't realize how suspicious she looked until Hermione answered her door.

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