Chapter 30: Exploration

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Just let go, go on and let yourself give it up

Your body, worshipped by mine is what this night holds for us

And if we happen to fall in love I'm not opposed

Grown enough to handle a real baby

But let's not sweat it right now

All I want you to do is focus on how it feels baby

-Ne-Yo Take You There

The weeks that had passed since Easter had been what Hermione called "the honeymoon phase" for Draco and Ginny. Unless class was in session, or it was time to go to bed, the two of them were never apart ("were we ever that nauseating?" Ron asked Hermione one day.).

The girls of Slytherin had taken up absolutely despising Ginny from taking away the other Slytherin King (Luna had already had her two weeks of Slytherin hatred from locking down Blaise). They started spreading the nastiest rumors, making up ridiculous reasons for Draco to be with her.

"He's just using her. He doesn't even like her."

"Maybe she slipped him a strong love potion."

"Maybe he's under the Imperius curse."

" I heard that he got her pregnant and her family forced him to stay with her."

By May, after people had seen that the couple were unwavering, the gossip died down and everything had gone back to normal. The only person that seemed to have an issue with the relationship was Harry. Not because he had lost Ginny. But he had lost Ginny to bloody fucking Draco Malfoy.

Draco treated Ginny as if she was royalty. Even when they would get angry with each other, he was never cruel, he never said anything evil like Harry used to do, and he always would come up with something new for the two of them to do.

Ginny had found herself wondering if this was actually her reality. She had never been treated so well. Not by Michael Corner, nor by Dean Thomas, and NEVER EVER by Harry Potter. She would pinch herself sometimes to remind herself that this wasn't a dream, it was a beautiful reality. And it was hers.

Tonight was one of those nights that nothing was going on. It was the weekend, Draco was lying on his bed trying to study for his upcoming N.E.W.T.S.

Trying being a very strong word, as he also had Ginny sitting on his butt massaging his back as it was sore from the Quidditch game he had won earlier that day against Hufflepuff.

"If you ever wanted to live in the muggle world, you should be that thing that they call massagers. What's the word?" asked Draco.

"A masseuse?" laughed Ginny.

"Ah there it is."

"Would you still like me if I lived my life as a muggle?" asked Ginny.

"Of course. I just couldn't tell anybody. What would pureblood society think?" said Draco, jokingly.

Ginny slapped the back of his neck. "Ow! Dammit Gin, that actually hurt!" cried out Draco rubbing his sore spot.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I hit you that hard." said Ginny as she moved his hand and kissed the spot where she hit him.

Draco shivered at the feeling of her lips against his neck. " shouldn't do that."

Ginny, catching the tremble of his voice gave a mischievous smile. "I shouldn't do what? This?" she whispered as she kissed the back of his neck, this time nicking it a little with her teeth.

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