Chapter 11: The Hard Truth

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The truth is hiding in your eyes

And it's hanging on your tongue

Just boiling in my blood

But you think that I can't see

What kind of man that you are

If you're a man at all

Well, I will figure this one out

On my own

I'm screaming, "I love you so!"

But my thoughts you can't decode

-Paramore Decode

The next morning Harry approached Ginny as if last night never happened much to Ginny and the others confusion. Throughout the day, Harry seemed to have came to his senses and acted like he used to. He ignored the other girls and put his whole focus on Ginny.

Ginny avoided going to Hermione's dorm as for one she noticed both Hermione and her brother were missing throughout the day, and also to avoid Draco and what almost happened the night before, which stayed in the front of her mind the whole time.


After the ball was over, Draco, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione walked back to Hermione and Draco's dorm. They laughed and joked about the things they had seen, like earlier, Hermione and Ron caught Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom in a broom closet ("And just what are you two doing?" asked Hermione in her best Head Girl voice. "Oh we were just trying to figure out the best way for Neville to lose his virginity in here, but we found that it's too small. Come on, there's more room in my dorm Neville" said Luna casually, as they passed by a very shocked Hermione and Ron), and Draco having to hold Blaise's shirt as he threw up in the bathroom from drinking too much of the spiked punch.

When they got to the dorm, Hermione had to force Ron into her room as he was being way too nosy with Draco and Ginny sitting and chatting on the couch in the common room.

Draco decided to be a gentleman and massaged Ginny's aching feet.

"So did you have fun" he asked.

"Of course." answered Ginny. " I had a wonderful time. I only wish that..."

"You could have had a wonderful time with Potter." said Draco finishing Ginny's sentence.

Ginny nodded. "I'm sorry. But it's the truth."

"I don't understand something. Why do you put up with Potter's bullshit?" said Draco suddenly getting serious.

"I shouldn't put up with it. To be honest I don't even feel like myself anymore. The old me wouldn't take the shit that he is putting me through. But I guess I loved and wanted him for so long, I feel like I need to still be there for him. Maybe this whole thing is a phase."

"Or maybe Potter has turned into a pompous asshole and doesn't know how to treat you right anymore." mumbled Draco.

"Aren't you a pompous asshole?" joked Ginny.

"I am but come on, I've always been the way I have. And even with me being an ass, if you were my girlfriend, I would NEVER treat you the way he treats you. The way he acts has nothing to do with ego and all to do with him being a prick. You're just too stuck up his ass to see that he isn't going to change."

Ginny’s jaw dropped, feeling very much offended. "Excuse me?! I am not stuck up Harry's ass. If I was, I would have stayed in my room crying empty tears instead of going to the ball with you! So don't come out your face with that!" yelled Ginny as she slapped Draco's arm.

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