Chapter 33: The Rebellion

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The lives have all divided, we're seen in separate paths.

If one side says it's down in white, the other's up in black.

My tension's stirred a mountain and there ain't no goin' back.

Rumble's gonna happen, I hope they make it back

-Danko Jones Gonna Be A Fight Tonight

Sunday had arrived. Everyone sat at their respectable houses tables for breakfast despite some irritated looks from some of their members, especially Slytherin. Draco and Blaise had been long outcasted by their house.

After breakfast, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Blaise, and Luna met with Snape in his office. Narcissa had been informed of the plan and was 100% for it so she stood by waiting for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to come through her fireplace. Blaise and Draco would be "turning themselves in" to Lucius, bringing Luna and Ginny with them.

Snape handed Draco a portkey that Lucius had left him for Draco; a dragon statue. The four of them latched onto it and were whisked away in an instant, and seconds later, landed in the middle of Draco's bedroom floor.

They got off of the floor, brushing themselves off. Draco then pulled Ginny into his arms and crushed her into his chest.

"Are you ready for this?" he whispered in her ear. "There is no turning back now."

"I am." whispered Ginny back. "Whatever it takes. We got this."

Draco took Ginny's lips in for a quick but passionate kiss. They then parted to look over and see Blaise placing Luna's engagement ring onto her finger, kissing it, then kissing her.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Lovesick prat." he said jokingly.

"You're one to talk, you mushy git." said Blaise laughing.

The two boys then took their respectable lady's hand and walked out of Draco's room.

Draco led them down his marble steps to the closed doors of a grand parlor, where he knew his father would be at this time. "Right. So, Blaise and I shall go in first, then announce you. When you walk in, close off your minds and if you have to, push forward the thoughts of becoming Death Eaters. Make sure that is a prominent thought, do you two understand?"

The girls nodded.

"If we tell you to run, you two better fucking run." said Blaise.

"No! We're staying with you!" said Ginny.

"We didn't come here to just stand around love." said Luna, causing Blaise to roll his eyes in indifference.

"Just whatever you do, keep your guards up and your wits about you." said Draco, not even making an attempt to argue with Ginny about anything. "Just please, stay safe."

Ginny nodded, giving Draco a quick kiss on the lips. Blaise quickly told Luna he loved her, and the two boys walked inside.

The parlor was huge with a massive fireplace that took up the entire wall almost. There were black leather seats all over the place, a desk with parchment stacked up, and in a chair next to the fireplace was Lucius Malfoy, calmly sipping a glass of brandy looking very much like he was waiting on the two boys.

Lucius looked over to his approaching son and smiled a cruel smile.

"Ah, Draco my boy." said Lucius getting up from his seat. "I was wondering when you would show up son. And you brought Blaise along with you."

Draco and Blaise gave a nod towards Lucius.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I think you know why we are here father." said Draco, all emotion gone from his voice.

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