Chapter 19: Confessions

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Christmas holidays will be 3 or 4,chapters long. I want to get Ginny and Draco even closer, and at the use time show off how bad Harry is being to Ginny. For those who don't like me writing Harry as a player I am not sorry. I told you already that Harry was not going to be good. If you have already been disliking him in this story, you are going to flat out hate him after these holidays. You've been warned.

I don't wanna confuse things

But I just can't keep lying to myself

When you're holding me

I can feel your pain oh baby let me be your dream

I'm the answer come see me

And you don't have to cry no more

Girl I can hear your heart.

-Mario Crying Out For Me

During the course of the first few days of Christmas break, Ginny found herself constantly in the company of Draco and Blaise. She would sometimes bring Luna with her into Hermione and Draco's dorm, and it seemed as if Blaise and Luna was hitting it off very well.

"I had decided not to go home for break. Winter brings out the worst in Daddy. He likes the hunt the Yeti you know. And I didn't feel like joining him this time around." said Luna in an airy voice.

Ginny and Draco tried to hold back their laughter. Meanwhile Blaise was genuinely interested. "I thought the Yeti was the Abominable Snowman." he asked,  inquisitively.

"Oh no, they are cousins actually. And contrary to popular belief, he doesn't even look like a snowman." answered Luna.

"I must say Luna, your stories are quite fascinating." said Blaise "You yourself are fascinating."

"Why thank you Blaise. That's very kind of you to say." said Luna, as if the compliment was merely nothing.

Ginny giggled into her hands. Draco decided that it would be a good time as any for him and Blaise to make a kitchen run. They took the girls orders and made their way to the kitchens.

Ginny wasted no time in getting Luna's opinion about Blaise. "So...what do you think of Blaise Zabini?" she asked, ready to gossip.

Luna thought for a minute. "Well, I find him absolutely beautiful. His skin is so smooth, it reminds me of Honeydukes chocolate bars. The really good kind. His hair is full or wrackspurts thought. But I can look past that."

Ginny squeaked. "Ooooh Luna likes Blaise!"

Luna played with the charm around her neck ("keeps away the Nargles" she said when asked about it a long time ago). "I don't know. He seems too refined for me. But he is nice."

"Blaise is a really nice person once you get to know him." confirmed Ginny.

"So is Draco. I can honestly say that I never expected to ever hang out with him and actually have a good time." said Luna.

"Yeah. Draco is full of surprises." said Ginny looking down at her jeans.

"He's in love with you, you know." said Luna, quite matter of factly.

Ginny's eyes grew big. "Don't say that Luna, that's not true."

"Oh but it is. He looks at you like your brother looks at Hermione when he knows you aren't paying attention. And when you are around Harry, he always looks sad. Or angry." elaborated Luna.

"I don't think so, Luna." said Ginny, shyly. "I mean there is an attraction there, he is my friend, and he doesn't like how Harry treats me. But I don't think it's deeper than that."

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