Chapter 31: Plans For Anarchy

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No one's gonna take me alive

The time has come to make things right

You and I must fight for our rights

You and I must fight to survive

-Muse Knights of Cydonia

The next few weeks were brutal for the seventh years. N.E.W.T. exams were less than a week and a half away, and already seventh years were cracking under the pressure of studying. A few Ravenclaws had tried to take brain booster potions, only to almost lose their minds, Dean Thomas had started the habit of breaking out in hives whenever the exam was mentioned, and a couple of the Slytherins had already failed because they tried to steal answers and teacher's notes.

Hermione had Draco, Ron, and Blaise under close watch on an equally extreme revising schedule. Ginny and Luna hadn't been much help to boys to avoid this, as for one they were in their 6th year and didn't have to worry about it yet, and for two, they found Hermione's militant ways with the boys highly amusing.

"I cannot wait until next Monday." said an exhausted Draco to a smiling Ginny as he and Blaise sat with her in Draco's common room after spending hours in the library with Hermione.

"You should appreciate how Hermione is keeping you on task. You'll probably get full marks now. I know I wouldn't have been able to help you with that." said Ginny.

"You would be more of a distraction love. And then I would fail and then where would we be?"

"I would be fine while you would be right here again, repeating your seventh year. I'm sure your parents would love that." laughed Ginny as she worked on her Potions essay.

"Shit, I get to stay away from them and on top of that I can stay another school year and have you all to myself with no brother here cockblocking? I may fail on purpose." said Draco kissing Ginny on the cheek as she rolled her eyes at him and giggled.

"That does bring up the question of what you and Blaise are going to do after you leave Hogwarts." said Ginny suddenly worried.

Blaise shrugged. "Well I'm going to go to where Nonna and Ma are and figure out what to do from there. Draco, you're more than welcome to join me, mate."

Draco bit on his lip as he thought the words over. "I hate to have to run and hide for the rest of our lives though Zabini. Shit isn't right. We need to figure out a way to get my father locked up or something like that."

Blaise and Ginny both looked at Draco in astonishment.

"Okay, Red. You two need to break up. You're turning my best mate into a bloody fucking Gryffindor." laughed Blaise.

Ginny laughed as Draco stuck his middle finger up at Blaise. Blaise laughed but still kept his serious composure.

"Seriously mate. You have dodged your father twice. He isn't gonna let you do it a third. Won't let me either. I just feel like something bad is about to happen." said Blaise in an ominous voice.

"So what do we do then? " said Draco taking his wand and levitating Ginny's bald up parchment over his head, waving it around. "Do we run and hide from the man forever? Or do we find a way to get rid of him? Be it jail or death.l, I truly don't give a fuck which one."

Ginny looked at her boyfriend in disbelief. Sure his father was one step away from being the spawn of Voldemort, but still, to want his father dead?

Draco must have read Ginny's mind because he quickly explained himself. "There really isn't any other way love. Jail or the grave. He won't leave me alone or anybody else for that matter unless he is in either place. It's a shame that it's the way it is, but I'd myself would rather die than to let my father turn me into a Death Eater. Besides, if he was to get his hands on us, Zabini and I would die anyways for refusing him right to his face."

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