Chapter 24: Valentine's Day Part 2

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It ain't no use in me faking.

Here goes my heart girl, take it.

Do what you wanna do but please don't play me out.

Just understand what you have got here.

I'm the realist you gone find here.

I know you hear this all the time.

I put my heart and soul to mind.

-J Holiday Pimp In Me

Draco walked out onto the snow covered courtyard waiting on Ginny to arrive. He watched as couples passed by him, making their way down the path to Hogsmeade. Most sneered at him but Parvati Patil and Dean Thomas passed by him and waved, while Theo Nott and his Gryffindor date, Natalie McDonald, stopped and chatted with him for a bit, until they were ready to go.

Finally, Ginny appeared cloak in hand wearing the bluest dress Draco had ever seen. He felt his knees go weak as he looked upon the fiery redhead's beauty

'Damn you Potter you stupid fool you.' said Draco in his head.

Ginny blushed as she walked up to him. "You look rather handsome for someone who hates this day." she said smiling at him from ear to ear.

"And you look gorgeous as hell for someone who hates this day." said Draco kissing Ginny's cheek as she blushed.

"Thanks. Hermione gave it to me." said Ginny in a low voice.

Draco held out his hand. "You ready to go and make the masses jealous?"

Ginny laughed at that. "You have enough ego for the both of us, Draco." she said taking his hand as they set off for Hogsmeade.

The walk down was awkward and quiet. Even though they basically hung out every day and could always find something to talk about, this was so very different than just lounging around. Neither one knew exactly what to say to each other.

Ginny intertwined her fingers with Draco's, causing him to feel funny inside. His found that her small hand fit perfectly with his slightly bigger hand. He took comfort in the fact that she had made the first move, meaning that she wanted this to happen.

When they reached Hogsmeade, they popped into Zonko's to try to loosen themselves up with some laughs. After almost blacking Draco's eye with a punching hand, and Draco almost spraying Ginny's dress with permanent ink, the tension had broken, and they fell into conversation and laughs.

"What does it mean exactly to be a Slytherin?" asked Ginny as she walked arm and arm with Draco outside of the shops.

Draco thought about the question for a moment before he answered. " It means you're cunning, loyal to an extent, all about self-preservation, and very ambitious. Not all of us are evil contrary to popular belief."

"I know. Do you think that you fit the mold?"

"Yes but also no. Between you and me, I actually had wanted to be put in Ravenclaw. I value knowledge. But I guess the hat sensed a Malfoy, and stuck me in Slytherin, despite barely touching my head." said Draco, thinking back to when he was sorted.

"Yeah, my brother told me about that. I do see that you are cunning. No denying that. And you are ambitious. But I never thought of you as someone that only thought of himself." said Ginny.

"Really? Why not?" asked Draco.

"Well, did you take me out for your benefit only?" asked Ginny. "Tell me the truth"

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