Chapter 18: Exactly What It Looks Like

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I'm livin' two different lives

One girl in the day

You in the night

And even though this ain't right

I just can't get enough

-Trey Songz Last Time

The next day Ginny walked Harry, Ron, and Hermione down to Hogsmeade to catch the train. Ginny felt bad not going, but at the same time good because she was now able to be somewhat by herself. No brother's watchful eye, no overprotective Hermione, and even though she would loved to have Harry stay with her, this was a way to prove that she could truly be on her own without them. Something she never had been able to do.

Ron and Hermione each gave Ginny a hug and assured her that her presents from them would arrive on time. Harry assured the same thing, giving Ginny a warm, romantic kiss and waving to her as the train pulled out of Hogsmeade Station.

The trio found an empty compartment for themselves and settled down. They hadn't truly been able to catch up like best friends would do, so for the first couple of hours they chatted, played chess and exploding snap, and joked around, enjoying each others company.

Ron and Hermione had went to sleep giving Harry nothing to do but sit and be bored. A couple of people had came by to say hello (Dean, Seamus, and Neville), but when the visits were no longer, Harry decided to go and venture off by himself.

He walked a ways until he got to the Slytherins car. Knowing his mission ahead of time, he ignored the sneers he got from the Slytherins completely, and headed to the last cabin in their car. He knocked on the door.

"Took you long enough. I was beginning to think you weren't going to come." said Pansy Parkinson, letting Harry in and locking the door.

"I told you days ago I would. And I always keep my word." said Harry with a smile.

"How do you expect me to know that?" asked Pansy. "You know I don't hang around you Gryffs."

"And yet here you are."

"Here WE are."

"No one will come back here will they?" asked Harry as he let the blinds down and shut them up tight.

"Not unless you want them to." said Pansy. "You could have invited your Weasley friend. They we really could have had some fun."

"Naaah he's in love, and plus Hermione is right on the train. That and I don't like the idea of sharing." said Harry, winking.

Pansy laughed. "Not a sharer? Isn't that technically what you're doing? Sharing your time with me when you could be sharing it with oh, I don't know, your girlfriend?"

Harry pulled Pansy onto his lap. "Are you really going to bring that up? Or are you eager to find out why I am The Chosen One?" he said as he began to kiss her neck.

Hermione woke up some time later to find only her and Ron in the cabin. "Ron? Ron? RONALD!" she shouted.

Ron woke up with a start. "Shit Hermione, what happened to you waking me up gently?"

"Where do you think Harry has gone off to?" asked Hermione.

Ron looked at the empty seat that his friend had occupied. "Perhaps to the loo. Maybe he went to talk to someone else. I wouldn't think he would want to sit here and watch us sleep, Mione."

"Right. Or maybe he's with Susan again." said Hermione, crossing her arms.

Ron rolled his eyes. "Again with this Hermione? Just let it go, love. He hasn't spoken to her since that day, you know that. He's always been around us or Ginny since then."

"I know, but something just isn't sitting right by me Ron. I just feel like-"

"You're being paranoid, love. Don't dwell on it. He has learned his lesson on who and who not to trust and everything is fine now." said Ron putting an arm around Hermione and pulling her in close.

"You're right." said Hermione. "I shouldn't dwell on such things. I'm just over thinking it."

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't. And that's okay." said Ron, giving Hermione a kiss.

They sat there talking and enjoying each others company. When the minutes turned into hours, they both got worried as Harry had not returned. As soon as they had decided to go and look for him, Harry appeared at the door, looking very refreshed.

"Hey where are you two off to?" he asked.

"We were about to hunt your ass down. Where have you been?" asked Ron.

"I went and talked to the guys some. Then Pansy Parkinson cornered me about some rumors and shit she heard and you know how hard it is to get away from that bint. Has the dining cart been by? I'm hungry." said Harry laying himself out on his seat.

"Hermione and Ron sat back down. They eyed him suspiciously, wondering why he was so perky.

"So, Harry, are you going to stay at your aunt and uncle's the whole time?" asked Ron.

"As much as I don't want to I wouldn't have a way to get back to Hogwarts after my affairs are in order. Grimmauld Place is closer though so maybe I may see if I can take the Knight Bus there. Stay with Sirius for awhile. I'm pretty sure he would enjoy that. I miss him anyways." said Harry.

Ron and Hermione relaxed with those words. "Oh yes Harry, I'm sure he would love that. Sounds like a good plan." said Hermione.

Harry smiled at his friends. In his mind however, he had his whole holidays mapped out. Phase one was complete and the rest of it would be just as foolproof.

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