Chapter 15: Water Under The Bridge

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My oh my, how my blood boils,

It's sweet taste for you,

Strips me down bare

And gets me into my favourite mood.

I keep on trying, fighting these feelings away,

But the more I do,

The crazier I turn into.

-Adele Crazy For You

For the rest of the day, Ginny decided to leave Draco alone. Having six brothers (especially Ron) had taught her that guys needed time to think. So, while she let Draco brood, she talked to Blaise who had came by to check on things.

"Her Red. Why is it so quiet around here?" he asked, wondering where everyone was.

"Hermione and Ron have been out most of the day. And Draco is mad at me so he's in his room." said Ginny sadly.

"Awh what did you do? Hold out on the kisses?" said Blaise making kissing noises.

"You can shut up. It's quite easy." sneered Ginny.

"I'm only...what's the muggle expression? Pulling your leg? Yeah that's it. What happened for real, love?" asked Blaise, sitting down on the couch beside Ginny.

"We got into an argument about Harry and I threw in his face about how he is a slag, and he got upset. I really didn't mean to do that. I was just angry and upset, and let my mouth run."

"And you let him sit and think about that shit? Some friend you are." said Blaise rolling his eyes.

"Well what am I supposed to do? I figured I would give him his time." said Ginny.

"No you never let Drayke brood. He's like a damn female. He is probably in there thinking about jumping off the astronomy tower or some shit now.” said Blaise, hitting his hand against his forehead. “You want me to talk to him real quick? Break the ice if you will?"

"You can try." pouted Ginny.

Blaise got up and bowed to Ginny. He then set off to Draco's room and let himself in, meeting the sight of a sullen Draco, lying on his bed.

Draco looked at his friend and sneered. "Ever hear of knocking Zabini?"

"Is that what you do to a door? I'll remember to do that next time." said Blaise sarcastically. "You're alright. It’s not like you were in here wanking or something."

"I could have been. You have been a right sexy beast lately"

"Thank you I'm honored to be a part of your fantasies." said Blaise throwing a shoe at Draco. "So what has your lacy knickers in a twist?"

"I'm fine"

"You lie"

"What's it to you Zabini?"

"Heard you and Red got into it." said Zabini quietly waiting for the blow up.

Draco cast a silencing charm on his room. Then he let out his frustrations.

"What the hell am I doing with her Zabini? I shouldn't give a shit. I shouldn't want to be around her! I shouldn't have slept with her last night." ranted Draco.

"YOU AND GINNY FUCKED?!" yelled Blaise, astonished.

"No, you idiot!! She slept here last night. We caught that douchebag Potter almost fucking the Bones girl the other night, and she didn't want to go back to Gryffindor. So she slept here. We cuddled, but that's about it."

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