Chapter 21: New Year's

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I can't forget last night I saw you in the corner wrapped up tight

You were warm

Slow dancing on the floor while I was watching from the door so hurt

There you were

You gave me reasons to believe that we were always meant to be

But now I see

You were wrong

You can't keep running back to me with all those baby baby pleases

No more

No more

-Faith Evans Can't Believe

New Years Eve had came. Fred And George had sent off letters to Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny about them throwing a huge New Years party in their flat above their store. Ron and Hermione had written Ginny immediately, telling her not to let Harry know that she was coming. They told her that Harry would love the surprise.

Draco however, knew exactly what was going on. He had gotten a letter from the pair a few days prior telling him of their suspicions and how they wanted Ginny to catch him in the act of doing something wrong. They knew something had happened because Sirius had wrote to them saying that Harry had made it to his home, but he had only stayed a few days and within those days, a girl stayed with him.

Ginny decided to invite Draco, Blaise, and Luna along. She thought they would have fun.

"You know what would be wicked?" said Draco looking through his wardrobe trying to find something to wear.

"Besides me, what?" joked Ginny.

"Let's change the color of our hair. Just for fun. Let's both have black hair tonight."

"Change our hair to black? Why?" asked Ginny, suspiciously.

"Just to spice things up. Have some fun. We should see if we can convince Blaise and Luna to change their hair to blue or something." said Draco trying to throw off suspicion that he was trying to disguise Ginny a little.

"I don't know..."said Ginny, who was very sensitive about her hair.

"Come on Gin it'll be fun. If I'm willing to turn my gorgeous modelesque hair black then you can do it too."

Ginny smiled. "Okay fine. I'll do it just for this party."

Draco smiled as he tapped his wand on Ginny's head and watched as her hair, eyebrows, and lashes changed to a black that was darker than Harry's. Even though he knew it was Ginny, he almost couldn't tell.

"Damn you look different. I mean I like it, but it's still different." said Draco doing the same thing to himself.

Ginny laughed as she watched Draco's pale skin pop out even more with his black hair. "I should say the same thing about you. I like it. I like mine better though." she said looking in Draco's mirror at her obsidian locks.

They waited on Blaise and Luna to join them. When the two arrived they hardly recognized Draco and Ginny.

"You two look like twins" said Blaise as he changed his hair to the platinum blonde that Draco normally had. Luna had changed hers to a beautiful blue that matched her eyes.

The four walked down to the Hogsmeade apparition point where they did side along apparition with Draco and Blaise (they both had their licenses) and landed in front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

They walked to the flat door where they said the password given to them (double the trouble) and they entered Fred and George Weasley’s flat.

The music was loud and fun, and the room was decorated in gold and silver decorations that sparkled. There were a lot of the twins friends (Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Cho Chang 'this bitch' thought Ginny)from their year and a few from Draco's year, and the rest Ginny couldn't identify.

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