Chapter 6: Stepping Up

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Pack up and leave everything,

Don't you see what I can bring

Can't keep this beating heart at bay

Set my midnight sorrow free,

I will give you all of me

Just leave your lover, leave him for me.

-Sam Smith Leave Your Lover

Dumbledore had announced that instead of the usual Halloween feast, there was to be a Halloween Masquerade Ball. The whole school seemed to be excited about the upcoming dance.

Ginny and Harry had seemed to be doing well over the past few weeks. After having a conversation with Ron, Harry seemed to be paying more attention to Ginny and not focusing on other girls. But since the ball was approaching, things were starting to rapidly change.

As the whole school (as well as teachers) knew that Ginny and Harry were in a relationship, it seemed that the girl population didn't really care. Harry took the fact that there were girls asking him almost daily if he would be their date to be a game. Ginny at first had seen it as her fault, because she had told him how even though they were dating it would still be nice for him to ask her to the ball. Harry took this as him being a "free agent" and looked upon it as if he could very well go with anyone of his choosing.

"Guess what guess what GUESS WHAT?!" squealed a very enthusiastic Hermione catching up with Ginny after watching Quidditch practice.

"Guessing by the smile on your face, I'm going to assume that my git of a brother asked you to the ball." laughed Ginny.


History of Magic was up and the trio was headed to class. Harry had went on ahead to speak to some girl (much to Ron and Hermione's annoyance), leaving Ron and Hermione to walk there together.

"Why do you think Harry does that?" asked a very disappointed Hermione.

"Dunno. I'm not Harry. And I'm not like that." answered Ron wanting to hex Harry into oblivion.

Hermione smiled. Of course Ron wasn't like that. He has always been respectful of women, even with the whole Lavender situation. Well maybe he was too respectful in that one. She needed to be put in her place.

"Hermione, wait up!" called out a voice from behind them.

They both stopped and turned around. "Oh bloody hell.” mumbled Ron as Zacharias Smith from Hufflepuff approached them.

Hermione instantly felt the tension growing, and she hoped that Zacharias would ask her some mundane question like what time it was or what was their Herbology homework assignment instead of something serious.

Zacharias walked up to Hermione with a huge smile on his face. 'Pompous ass bitch' thought Ron.

"So Hermione, the ball is coming up. You excited?" asked the unsuspecting Hufflepuff.

Hermione looked over at Ron then back over at Zacharias. "Uhhhh yeah. It sounds like it'll be great." she said hesitantly.

Ron inched over towards Hermione until he was partially in front of her left arm. Zacharias didn't notice, but Hermione sure did.

"Well, I was wondering if you had a date, and if you didn't, would you like to come with me?" asked Zacharias hopeful.

Before Hermione could answer, Ron had already started talking. "Nope, she already has a date. So sorry about that Smith. Perhaps next time." And with that he took Hermione by the hand, and walked away from Zacharias as fast as he could.

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