Chapter 26: The Burrow

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We don't have to hurry

You can take as long as you want

I'm holdin' steady

And my heart's at home

With my hand behind you

I will catch you if you fall

I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love

-Jason Mraz The Woman I Love

Spring had came upon Hogwarts and things with the 7th years were getting tough. Their workload had tripled with the impending N.E.W.T.s and with that came a lot of added stress.

Hermione had gotten vicious with Ron, Draco, and Blaise with their studying habits. None of them wanted anything to do with her study schedule, however, the only one basically forced to follow it was Ron, as Hermione was his girlfriend and held out certain things if he didn't study.

Blaise and Draco made it a game ducking out of studying and Luna and Ginny were happy to help. While Blaise and Luna had started officially dating two weeks after Valentine's day, Draco and Ginny still hasn't made moves and it was starting to get the young Slytherin discouraged.

What's more, he also had his father on his back about talking the Dark Mark and becoming a Death Eater. He did indeed look forward to the Easter weekend coming up, as Ginny's parents had given him permission to come there instead of going home. There was only one MAJOR problem with their plan

"Potter's coming too?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" said Draco angrily throwing things into his backpack for the weekend.

"Well, you know him and Ron are friends again. I guess he assumed that he would be coming like always now. Actually he is coming Saturday afternoon. He's spending time with Sirius Friday apparently." said Ginny.

"Fan-fucking-tastic." grumbled Draco.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't see this coming. Don't be mad at me."

Draco softened." No Gin, I'm not mad at you at all. Don't even think that. I just don't fancy being in close proximity of him."

"Then just stay with me. You already know that unless I have no choice I won't be near him." said Ginny tugging on Draco's arm.

"Does staying with you include sleeping in your bed?" said Draco raising his eyebrows, giving Ginny a mischievous grin.

Ginny laughed and pushed Draco onto his bed. "Absolutely not. You'll be sleeping in my oldest brother's old room."

"With him?" asked Draco nervously.

"Well yeah. But don't worry. I won't let anything happen to my widdle Dwako." she joked pinching Draco's cheek.

Draco rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue at Ginny. He then resumed packing.

His mind was full of thoughts that usually the old Draco wouldn't have given a damn about. Would the Weasleys accept him? Would Ginny's brothers try to hurt him? Will he make a good impression on her parents? Will he and Ginny get even closer?

So many questions and not one answer for any of them. Still, it felt good to even have the questions on his mind. It felt good that he was trying to make a change for the better. A change to be with her.

He knew that she probably didn't understand the huge appreciation that he had for her and her family for taking him in under the circumstances. They were risking a lot if Lucius found out about his deceitfulness and where he was going. He then found himself even more sorry for Blaise. Even though Blaise was going with Luna to her home, he still wasn't completely sure that he would be safe. The Lovegoods were pureblood, but not as influential as the Malfoys, the Blacks, and the Weasleys. That and Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor and chief of The Quibbler, wasn't well respected by a lot in the wizarding world. Especially those who always followed the Ministry. So if something was to happen on Blaise's end, would he be fully safe?

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