Chapter 27: Daphne Greengrass

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Throw your soul through every open door

Count your blessings to find what you look for

Turn my sorrow into treasured gold

You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow

-Adele Rolling In The Deep

The next morning, Ginny found herself waking up earlier than intended. She went to the bathroom and took a long reflecting shower.

Her thoughts drifted to Draco as the hot water fell upon her body, relaxing her. She felt a small smile creep up on her face as she thought about his eyes. Those mercury eyes that seemed to stare into her soul and would hypnotize her every time she would lock eyes with him. She thought about his hair and how when the sun would hit it just right, it shined like light strands of gold mixed with diamonds, and it was always neat, even when it was messy.

She envisioned his lips and ran a finger over hers as she thought about the kissing that they had done Valentine's Day night. They had only snogged once but that was enough for her to remember every tender thing his lips had done. They were soft, gentle, passionate, warm, trusting.

She thought about his hands and his embrace. His hands were always soft and warm, his touches were gentle, even when he wasn't trying to be. His arms when they would embrace her always felt safe and wonderful. She never felt as safe with Harry as she did him.

So really what was she waiting on? It's not like they were Ron and Hermione, oblivious to how they felt about one another. She had known for months that Draco liked her for more than just a conquest, and she knew how deep her feelings for him were getting.

But damn that Harry Potter. He had ruined dating for her. The way he did her was deplorable. Even though she knew 100% that Draco would never do her like that, Harry had left a scar that seemed to be as permanent as his lightning bolt.

She thought about how she could move beyond what Harry had done to her. She didn't want Draco to pay for the mistakes of another man. That wouldn't be fair to him at all.

Could she give her all to him? The Slytherin bad boy that didn't realize how much Gryffindor he was? The dark angel that she knew wanted her so badly?

She got out the shower and dried off. She slipped the shirt of his that she liked to sleep in and her shorts back on and decided to go downstairs instead of back to her room, so she wouldn't disturb Hermione.

She walked into the kitchen where her mum was preparing breakfast.

"Ginny dear, you're up rather early. Would you like some tea or hot chocolate?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Hot chocolate sounds great Mum, thanks" said Ginny as she sat down and watched Mrs. Weasley whip up the chocolate in some warm milk with sugar and chocolate sauce. Her hot chocolate was always the best.

Ginny took a big satisfying sip and sighed as she took the chocolatey goodness in. Mrs. Weasley sat down in front of her with a cup of tea and sipped.

"That's a good thing that you did for Draco dear." said Mrs. Weasley.

"It was more you and Dad then me Mum. You didn't have to agree."

"Yes well, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend',your dad says the muggles say. The boy doesn't want to be like his father. I don't blame him for hiding. I do however, worry about him." said Mrs Weasley taking another sip.

"Why is that Mum?" asked Ginny.

"He can only run away for so long, Ginny dear. What is he going to do when he graduates? It's not like he has another year of school to go to, where he could spend summer holiday here and then go back in September. And from what you told me, his poor friend Blaise Zabini is in as much danger as he is and neither boy will be safe with each other."

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