Epilogue: As Two Become One

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Can I just see you every morning when

I open my eyes

Can I just feel your heart beating beside me

Every night

Can we just feel this way together

Till the end of all time

Can I just spend my life with you

-Eric Benet Spend My Life

Four years later

"Pull it a bit tighter."

"Any tighter and I won't be able to breathe!"

"Oh you're not supposed to be able to breathe on your wedding day Gin. At least not until after the 'I do's'." said Hermione tugging on Ginny's corset.

"That's why I'm only going to have one. This probably wouldn't have never happened if I would have went in the order I should have." said Ginny trying her best to get a couple of puffs out.

"I blame you for that, Ginny dear." laughed Mrs. Weasley.

"Hey! It was her son." exclaimed Ginny playfully, as she pointed to Draco's mother.

Narcissa laughed as she held onto a sleeping strawberry blonde, gray eyed baby girl. "That was on the two of you, darling."

"But he was gone on that mission for so long. I missed him." said Ginny innocently to her mom and future mother in law.

"Hermione missed Ron as well dear." said Molly.

"She did. Which is why Rose is only 3 days older than Carina-Luna." said Ginny rolling her eyes as Molly laughed.

"I will say that I was married BEFORE I had Shiann, mind you." said Hermione pulling on Ginny's corset once more for good measure.

"You were indeed but that didn't make you a virgin before you got married though did it?" teased Ginny

"Hermione!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley

"I'll go check on the girls yeah?" said Hermione, rushing off to find her daughters.

Narcissa laughed as she stroked Carina's hair. "Face it Molly, they aren't like our generation. Things are different now."

Molly smiled. "They are and I love my little grandbabies. And my youngest baby is getting married." she said tearing up.

Ginny rolled her eyes and handed a tissue to her mother. "Oh Mum not again with the tears. I thought you were saving them for when Dad walked me down the aisle."

"Speaking of aisle, we have about five minutes until you need to walk down." said Narcissa looking at her watch.

"Crap! How do I look?" asked Ginny spreading her arms out to her mom and Narcissa.

"Beautiful darling. Absolutely breathtaking." said Narcissa giving Ginny a kiss on the cheek.

Mrs. Weasley dabbed the corner of her eyes as she gazed at her beautiful daughter. Ginny smiled at her. "You look like the angel you aren't." said Mrs Weasley laughing.

Draco stood at the podium in a garden of roses, Ginny's favorite, with his best man Blaise on his side and Ron and Theo Nott as his groomsmen. He kept popping up and down on his feet, anxious to get the whole thing over with.

"Not going to run are you Drayke?" whispered Blaise.

"Hell no he isn't." said Ron before Draco could answer. "You run out on my sister and I will kill you."

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