Chapter 32: The Drawing Board

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The boys and girls in the clique

The awful names that they stick

You're never gonna fit in much, kid

But if you're troubled and hurt

What you got under your shirt

Will make them pay for the things that they did

-My Chemical Romance Teenagers

"This isn't going to work Malfoy."

"I don't see what the issue is Potter as I'm the one who knows my own house inside and out."

"You're being an idiot. Why don't you just do it the way I'm suggesting?"



"You two can stop arguing anytime now." said Ginny in a low but firm voice.

The boys looked at her then looked back at each other, giving one another the death stare and mentally cursing each other out.

Harry, Draco, Blaise, and Ginny had been at it for hours in Gryffindor Tower trying to come up with the perfect plan to take down Lucius Malfoy. Each boy not wanting to agree with the other as each turned down the other's plan back and forth. At first Ginny and Blaise had participated in the bickering but after a couple of hours they just sat back and watched Harry and Draco go at it, as they eventually couldn't get their own words in.

"Guys, we have been at this for ages and frankly, I'm exhausted and deprived of my woman" said Blaise with his head on the desk that they were sitting at. "Unless Luna is about to pop out of nowhere and entertain me or a proper solution has been made, I have no desire to be here any longer." Blaise got up from the table ready to leave and Ginny violently shook her head.

"Blaise Zabini you better not leave me by myself with these two! Sit your ass down!" she yelled at him in all seriousness. She already couldn't take them now. If the only other sane person was to leave, she would lose it and start throwing hexes at the both of them.

Blaise's eyes grew big at the demand of the fiery red head and politely but swiftly sat back down.

"How is it that my girlfriend has you whipped Zabini?" laughed Draco. Blaise flicked him off.

“I'm not fucking with her after that leg locker shit last year. Fuck that!"

"Okay. For real. We need to formulate a plan. Something foolproof. Malfoy, I honestly think Gin's plan will work. You should pretend that you're giving yourself up and Ginny is joining you." said Harry.

"Hell no." said Draco shaking his head. "I've already said we aren't doing anything that will put Ginny in any danger."

Ginny laughed. "Awh Draco, I had no idea you cared." she joked as she sat on his lap and kissed him on the cheek.

Draco wrapped his arms around his redheaded angel. "The other day didn't show you how much?" He whispered in her ear. Soft enough to be seductive, but loud enough on purpose for Harry to hear.

"Draco, you devil you." giggled Ginny as she kissed his nose.

"Whenever you two are done shagging of course!" yelled Harry at the two causing them to break out of the spell that each other was in at the moment and stare at him.

"Oh." said Draco not the least bit sorry. "Well anyways as I was saying, that plan is a load of bollocks. Why can't it just be me?"

"Again because Ginny needs to be there as an extra set of eyes as well as ears. She will be the one to have on the bug. Your father will be too wrapped up in you to notice anything on her, so this could very well work."said Blaise.

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