Chapter 22: Done

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They don't get you like I will

My only wish is I die real

Cause that truth hurts, and those lies heal

And you can't sleep thinking that he lies still

So you cry still, tears all in the pillow case

Big girls all get a little taste,ah

Pushing me away so I give her space,

Dealing with a heart that I didn't break

I'll be there for you, I will care for you

I keep thinking you just don't know

Trying to run from that, say you're done with that

On your face girl, it just don't show

When you're ready, just say you're ready

When all the baggage just ain't as heavy

And the party's over, just don't forget me

We'll change the pace and we'll just go slow

-Drake Take Care

The day the students were returning to Hogwarts had came. Hermione and Ron sat in a cabin with Harry and listened to the lies that he told about his holidays.

"It was so bloody boring." said Harry nonchalantly. "The Dursleys only wanted to make sure that when I graduated I wouldn't be coming back. I only gotten the few things that I had left that was of any importance and brought them to Sirius's place. We had a nice holiday though. The only time I really went out was when I went Christmas shopping and the twins party. By the way did you like your gifts?"

Harry had gotten Hermione a book and some new beautiful quills and ink. He had gotten Ron some new keeper gloves. As much as neither one wanted anything to do with the gifts, they agreed to keep them because they actually needed them.

"We did. Thank you Harry" said Hermione

"Yeah. Thanks mate" Ron forced himself to say.

"Hermione I can't believe you still have your hair that same red color. It looks nice on you." said Harry.

"Thanks. I figured I would keep it for awhile. That and Draco had did it and I haven't been able to ask him how to reverse it."

"That fucking git. I was shocked to see him at the party. That black hair he had didn't fool me one bit." Harry said with a scowl. "Speaking of the party, did you see the black haired girl that was with him? She claimed she was a Gryffindor, but I have never seen her a day in my life."

Ron started coughing. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I saw her. She's a year under us. Pretty sure Ginny knows her well." said Hermione staring at Harry.

"Hmm. Weird. I thought I knew all of Gin's Gryffindor friends. Speaking of her, I haven't heard anything from her all holiday. I can't wait to see her."

"I bet you can't" mumbled Ron.

"Ron did you say something?" asked Harry.

"No, nothing at all. I think is need to go for a walk." said Ron kissing Hermione on the cheek and leaving the cabin.

"What's wrong with Ron?" asked Harry looking at Hermione confused.

Hermione sighed at Ron's behavior. 'I love the man, but he is gonna give it all away that we know' she thought to herself.

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