Chapter 23: Valentine's Day Part 1

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Is what you need

It sets you free

Like someone to save you

Let it go

But hurry now

There's undertow

And I don't want to lose you now

-One Republic Someone To Save You

Classes had resumed the next day, and it seemed as if the whole school was talking about the epic breakup of Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter. When they had gotten to Hogwarts, they had continued their argument that had started when Ginny was revealed. They had argued in front of the great hall, where traffic flow was always the heaviest, and now the whole school knew that Harry had called Ginny "Malfoy's slag" (which got him a punch in the face by Ron that Monday when word got back to him) and how Ginny had given him the greatest bat bogey hex in the history of Hogwarts, that had him suffering with the bats coming out his nose for a full 2 hours. Madam Pomfrey couldn't even stop it. That or she wasn't trying to.

The only thing that made Harry feel bad about his choices (especially his choice of words to Ginny) was that he lost Ron and Hermione as well. Of course he should have known that Ron wouldn't have been happy with him. Ginny was his sister after all. And, as female friends normally do, Hermione stuck with Ginny. It felt wrong not to have them by his side anymore. He had to figure out a way to at least get them back.

Ron hated that this destroyed their friendship like it did. Ginny had told him that even though her and Harry were done, they should still be friends for the fact that they were friends before Ginny even knew what the boy looked like. Ron however couldn't bring himself to talk to Harry at all. Reason number one being that Hermione would probably be pissed about it because she was nowhere near even attempting to look Harry's way. Reason number two, of course, was the way he had acted. If he didn't really want to be with his sister, why didn't he just break it off? How hard is it to be faithful? Once Ron had gotten with Hermione, the thought of even saying another girl looked good never ever crossed Ron's mind. So why did Harry had to act like such a bloody Slytherin about it?

And that was another thing. It had seemed like now the Slytherin bad boy Draxo was actually more suited for Ginny than Harry ever was. He had been present since the beginning of 7th year, much to Ron's dislike at first. He had guessed ages ago that Draco had liked his sister, but he had thought it was just a chance to add a Gryffindor notch to his belt. However, Hermione would always intervene and keep him from saying anything. But ever since the first time Harry had been caught, he seen that Draco’s admiration for Ginny ran deeper than he thought and at the time cared to have it. He was there for Ginny on a level that he as her brother couldn't touch and while at first it was rather annoying, it eventually grew on him, as he was seeing his sister genuinely happy.

With the growing rumors, Draco and Ginny had found they were the "talk of the town" whenever they were seen near each other. Draco had started to take up the "I really don't give a fuck" attitude and sit with Ginny at the Gryffindor table during mealtimes. The Slytherins had took that as the ultimate betrayal (with the exception of Blaise and their friend Theodore Nott, as he had taken an interest in one of Ginny's Gryffindor friends himself) and had started to either shun him, or talk trash him whenever he was around them. Draco didn't really care otherwise. He had known since he had first been sorted into that house that the only one he could really trust was Blaise in the first place. The only thing that bothered him was when they would make comments about Ginny. Thankfully, his pull as Head Boy had gotten him out of the many binds he had found himself in since that fateful day.

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