Chapter 34: Beauty From Pain

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Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends

Like my father's come to pass

Seven years has gone so fast

Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again

Falling from the stars

Drenched in my pain again

Becoming who we are

As my memory rests

But never forgets what I lost

Wake me up when September ends

-Green Day Wake Me Up When September Ends

Despite the heartache that was experienced that day, the mission was indeed accomplished. Harry had almost lost his life defeating Voldemort. As a result, he had become dangerously weak, and was currently staying at St. Mungo's. Hermione was almost crushed by a piece of the roof of Malfoy Manor falling, but Ron had managed to push her out the way and took that blow to his leg, crushing the bones inside it so bad, that Madam Pomfrey had to magically remove them and have Ron drink Skele-Grow to grow new ones.

The Death Eaters, including Lucius, were arrested immediately and were sent straight to Azkaban to await trial. Lucius didn't have a trial at all, as Priori Incantatem was used on his wand, showing that he indeed had killed Luna Lovegood. He was sent to Azkaban, and in a matter of hours, received the Dementor's Kiss.

That following Saturday, Xenophilius Lovegood held a funeral for his only daughter. Students who wished to attend were given permission, so most of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor attended. The only Slytherins that went were Draco, Daphne, and Theo Nott, who went in support of Blaise, who ever since that day had become a broken person.

The funeral though sad, was very beautiful. Luna had looked like a fallen angel with her long golden curls cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. Her father had made her a flowered crown, something that he and Luna had done with each other ever since she was a little girl. She had on a beautiful flowy white dress, so she could be comfortable as she ran through fields of flowers according to her father.

People were allowed to go up and say something about Luna to the audience. Ginny almost lost it as she stood and talked about how sweet and kind Luna was, and how she always knew what to say and do to make her feel better. A few Ravenclaws talked about her oddities and her intelligence and how Luna was a ray of sunshine in their house, despite the teasing and pranks that she endured. And all Blaise could get out was that he loved her before he walked off the stage and away from the funeral.

Draco followed his friend. As he caught up with him, Blaise glanced over at him and continued to walk without saying a word. The two walked a little ways outside the funeral, far enough that they couldn't hear it. Then, Blaise sat down in the long grass, surrounded by new flowers that were trying to pop up and bloom.

"During the winter, when I stayed over Luna's place, she brought me out this way to show me where she would come to be alone." said Blaise reminiscing. "Back then it wasn't much to see, as it was winter and all the plants were dead. I would put warming spells on us and we would sit here and talk about all kinds of shit. Most of it made no sense to me at all, but a lot of it does now that I really think back on it. I feel close to her here, you know?"

Draco nodded and continued to let his friend talk.

"She was the only girl that didn't let me just up and catch her. I was actually friends with her first. She challenged me in more ways than one. I was gonna marry that girl Draco."

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