Chapter 8: The Mirror Of Erised

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Said I wish my thoughts could be

Could be inside your head

And make you think of me, and you

In your bed

Tattoo on your waistline

Oooo what I wouldn't do

Said what I wouldn't give to be a permanent part of you

-Ne-Yo Jealous

After a very heated argument between Harry and her, Ginny found herself wandering around the castle after curfew. She didn't care about anything at the moment. She just wanted to get as far away from Harry and anything to do with him.

As she walked, she went down a corridor she hadn't been down before and spied Mrs. Norris, Filch's snitching feline, coming her way. She ducked into an unlocked classroom and locked the door.

She turned around and found herself facing a massive mirror that seemed to glow in the moonlight. The words "Mirror of Erised" shined bright at the top and along the bottom glowed " Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." Whatever that meant.

Ginny found herself being drawn into the big mirror. She gazed at herself in it and then instantly froze.

She saw herself in a beautiful green and brown dress, with huge matching wings. A costume. A wood fairy. Exactly what she had been planning on wearing for the Halloween Ball.

Ginny looked down at herself and seen that she had on her school uniform. But when she looked back into the mirror, she saw herself in the costume. She was very confused, but continued to admire herself in the costume.

Then a figure appeared behind her mirrored self. A gorgeous man dressed in all black with a long cape appeared. His long unicorn like hair was slicked back, and he had a seductive grin on his face.

"Draco?" Ginny said looking behind her. No one was there. She looked back into the mirror and seen that he had came up behind her mirrored self and put his strong looking arms around her, one of his hands holding onto her neck.

Ginny stared as the mirror Draco started kissing her mirrored self's neck. Her mirrored self closed her eyes and breathed in deep as if she were enjoying it. The mirror Draco's hands seemed to be everywhere now as he stared back at her. Ginny shivered as a wonderful chill went down her spine at his stare. He stared at her in intense desire. Harry never looked at her like that. What should have made her uncomfortable actually aroused her, causing her to envy the Ginny in the mirror.

She watched as the mirror Draco turned her mirror self to him and started kissing her with so much passion and lust that Ginny moaned out loud. She couldn't believe what she was seeing playing out in front of her. A kiss that looked like if it was really happening to her at that very moment, she would melt. So much heat. So much passion.

She continued to stare as mirror Draco whispered something in her mirror self's ear. Whatever it was must have been, it excited her, because they went back to kissing, only it was more intense, more electrifying. Ginny could hardly contain her emotions.

She then saw the mirror Draco mouthed the words "I love you" to her mirrored herself. And then, the figures disappeared.

Ginny didn't know how to feel. She felt like finding Draco and acting out what she had seen, even though she knew it was wrong. She suddenly became scared of this mirror. Scared that it had shown her something that was residing deep in her mind.

She ran out the room and continued to run until she reached Hermione's room. She said the password and let herself in.

She ran into Hermione's bedroom and shook a very knocked out Hermione awake.

"Wha...what is it? Ginny? Is that you?" asked Hermione, groggily.

"Come with me! I have to show you something!" whispered Ginny enthusiastically.

Hermione looked at her clock. "Ginny, it's midnight, and I have a test in the morning. Is it that important?"

"Yes! Yes it is! Now come on!" said Ginny, dragging Hermione out of her bed.

Ginny led Hermione to the room with the mirror. Hermione looked at the mirror, looked back at Ginny, and glared boredly at the girl.

"You dragged me out of bed to look at a big mirror?" she asked

"No! Look in the mirror! You'll see me and Draco!" said Ginny, pointing excitedly.

Hermione looked in the mirror. "Only people I see are us, Gin."

Ginny was confused. Had she been dreaming?

"Wait. Maybe if I move over. Look now." she said moving out of the mirror's way.

Hermione looked into the mirror. She only saw herself. Suddenly, she seen her and Ron on a bed, doing things that she had only dreamed about.

Hermione blushed. "Ummm Gin, I don't see you at all. I see me...and your brother..."

Ginny was stunned. "Ron? No, he shouldn't be there. It should be me and Draco. He was holding me. Practically seducing me. We were snogging."

"No no, it's me and Ron. And Ron and I are snogging each other, and...oh my...ummm...Ginny what is this?"

"I don't know. Maybe it tells the future?" wondered Ginny.

Hermione read the writing on the mirror. "I know what this is. Harry and Ron discovered it and told me about it 1st year! This is the Mirror of Erised. The Mirror of Desire. It shows you what your heart truly wants. If I remember correctly, Harry saw his parents, and Ron saw him being successful. I just seen me and your brother...together..." giggled Hermione.

"So if this shows us what our heart desires, why did I see me and Draco?" asked Ginny.

"Well I know why I saw Ron and I. So I guess that means..."

"I want Draco?!" gasped Ginny.

Hermione looked at Ginny in astonishment. "It appears so. Have you ever thought that way?"

"I mean Draco is actually a nice person to me. He makes me laugh, he seems to look out for me sometimes. He's absolutely gorgeous. Oh shit. This is wrong. The Draco in the mirror said that he loved me. Hermione, I can't feel this way about him. What about Harry?" said Ginny in a panic.

"Oh Ginny, I don't know. Maybe your heart is changing. The way Harry has been acting, I don't really blame you for not seeing Harry in the mirror. But what you seen? If it was that intense, you need to figure this out." said Hermione.

"We were dressed up in Halloween costumes, Hermione. The ball is this Saturday."

"Then you better figure it out quick Gin." said Hermione. "Until then, I don't think we should tell anyone what we saw in the mirror. Especially you."

"How am I going to be able to look at either one of them tomorrow? Especially Draco. The way he looked made me want to skip going to your room entirely." said Ginny looking into the mirror again and seeing the scene play out again.

Hermione pulled Ginny away from the mirror. "Leave it alone, Ginny. You have to get your thoughts in order and this mirror isn't going to help."

Ginny looked back at the mirror and started pouting. "But it looked so right. And it looked like it felt right."

"But it's wrong Gin. You have a boyfriend. You're with Harry Potter, not Draco Malfoy.".

"Right." whispered Ginny looking down at the floor. "Right..."

"Wanna spend the night in my dorm tonight?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah. Sure. I don't wanna go back to Gryffindor anyways. Harry may still be up and I REALLY don't want to be around him right now."

"I would think so." said Hermione as they walked back to her dorm. " say the Draco in the mirror seduced you eh? What exactly did he do?"

Ginny pushed Hermione and the two girls giggled as they talked about what they seen on the way back to Hermione's dorm.

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