Chapter 7: Falling

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It's like you caught up in a maze

You keep on going in circles girl You're trying to find your way out

But it's time I put on my cape and

Put that S on my chest

Girl I wanna come and save you

-Crying Out For Me by Mario

Ginny stood frozen at the scene in front of her. Even though Harry didn't look like he was close to either girl, the fact that he was in a bathtub with nothing but boxer shorts on was enough to piss Ginny off.

Ginny whipped out her wand and waved it in a way that put fear in Harry's heart. He knew exactly what Ginny just did. And he was about to feel it.

Bats started filling up Harry and the girl's nose. Blaise jumped out of the tub immediately and ran after Ginny who had just taken off. Ginny ran as fast as she could not knowing where she was going She heard Harry and the girls screams in the background, not caring if their noses blew up off their faces.

"RED SLOW DOWN IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" yelled Blaise, still chasing after Ginny.

Ginny ignored his words and threw a leg locker curse at him, making him fall flat onto his face.

She continued to run until she reached Hermione's room, where she pounded on the door.

The door opened and Ginny ran smack into a worried looking Hermione.

"Ginny? What happened? What's the matter?" asked Hermione frantically. Her chatter had been so loud, that it made Draco come out of his bedroom wondering what was going on.

Ginny saw Draco and before she could stop herself, she ran to him, crashing into his body, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and crying into his chest. Draco didn't know what to think, but could see that she was upset, so he wrapped his arms around her and drew her in closer.

"Hermione?" he asked, bewildered by the whole scene.

"I don't know what's going on." said Hermione, walking towards the two of them. "Ginny, can you tell us what happened?"

"Harry. Tub. Hufflepuff slags." said Ginny, muffled by Draco's chest.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course. That asshole Potter."

Hermione shook her head. "Ginny, I'll go get your brother and get to the bottom of this. I'm so sick and tired of him! Draco, take care of her, I'll be right back." she said running out the door.

Ginny let go or Draco and went and sat on the sofa in front of the huge fireplace in Hermione and Draco's common room. Draco followed her, lit a fire, and sat down beside her.

"Sorry about that Draco, I must seem like some dumb lovesick little girl to you." sniffed Ginny.

Draco gave her a reassuring smile. "No. Just a girl who has had her heart broken."

"He was in a fucking tub. Your mate Zabini was there too." said Ginny.

"Zabini? Since when does Zabini hang with Potter?" asked Draco.

"Dunno, but they seemed to be having a lot of fun with Susan and Heather."

"Were they clothed?" asked Draco.

"Underclothes, but does it matter? Harry shouldn't be seeing other bitches in their underwear! Shit, he hasn't even seen my underwear yet!"

"Woah woah wait." said Draco shocked."You mean you're still a virgin?"

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