Chapter 29: The Decision

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I've got a tight grip on reality,

But I can't let go of what's in front of me here.

I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up.

Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

-Paramore The Only Exception

That rest of the morning was filled with many chores divided up between Ginny, Hermione, Draco and Ron. Harry and Daphne had went back to Sirius to spend the Easter with him, promising that night to return with him in tow, the older Weasley men and their women had went back to their homes to get ready for the evening feast, Luna and Blaise went back to Luna's, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had started with food preparations and decorations.

Ginny and Draco didn't say much to each other after the talk on the deck. They weren't completely distant, but they seemed to have tension crushing down upon them.

But then again, that's what Ginny had wanted.

Draco has felt that he had revealed too much of his thoughts this morning, but he didn't think that the result would be Ginny not wanting to be near him like she had this whole weekend. He kept mentally kicking himself for opening up as wide as he did.

Ginny had already figured out the solutions to both of their problems. She was just waiting on the right time to be able to let him know everything that she felt he needed to know.

The four of them helped Ginny's parents set up a long table outside in the yard as Sirius, Harry, Daphne, the Grangers, the Tonks, and the Lupins, would be joining them as well as Aunt Muriel and everybody else. Holidays was always a big issue at the Weasley's and Easter and Christmas were always done big with families and friends coming in from everywhere, to break bread and have a good time.

While Ginny and Hermione helped Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen, Draco and Ron finished making the outside look festive. Ron had felt the tension around Ginny and Draco and while he didn't want to pry, he did find himself wanting to know. And also, he knew Hermione would pry so he wanted to know so when she would act like she knew everything, he would shock her with knowledge himself.

"Oi, Malfoy? What's eating you mate?" asked Ron as he stared using Hermione's spell to make bluebell lights and putting them in jars.

"I'm good Weasley." said Draco pretending to concentrate on the grass that he was trimming for no reason with his wand.

"I mean I'm no Zabini, but I do somewhat listen."said Ron with a snicker. "What's up?"

Draco sighed. He needed to get it out and while yes, Ron wasn't Blaise, he was still someone to talk to.

"I acted like a sap and poured myself out to your sister today." said Draco.

"Ah. Manly." joked Ron.

"Do you want me to tell you or not, Weasley?"

"Sorry, sorry. Continue."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Anyways, yeah I put my manliness aside and told Ginny how I felt. About everything. Including her. And I think I may have scared her off or something because she is barely talking to me unless she has to."

"Have you really tried to have a proper conversation with her?" asked Ron.

"Under the circumstances, yes I have. But she doesn't give anything back hardly. I feel like a bloody git."

Ron had seen an opening for a joke but seeing as Draco was trying to open up he decided to save it.

"Usually when Hermione is quiet after we've had a serious talk, it means she is thinking. I just let her mull things over and come to me when she is ready to talk it over. She seems to like that better, and it seems to keep her from making a rash decision, as she has had time to think. Maybe just let her be and see what she does, yeah?" said Ron.

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