Chapter 3

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After she lowers me back onto the bed I apologise for snapping and just as she is about to ask me where it hurts a loud BOOM goes off and...
Fire engulfs the door which is a matter of meters away. Simmons is confused but she doesn't let this concern her too much as she grabs the tablet and closes the door remotely. Unfortunately some bandages she had brought down had caught fire and were slowly filling the room with smoke. Just as I was about to grab my glass of water Simmons appeared with a fire extinguisher and aimed it towards the burning bandages and fired it. After a few seconds the flames sizzle out. Silence fills the room. I am confused, and I conclude that I have no clue what has just happened so I ask "What on earth is going on?!". Simmons replies after pondering on a thought for a few moments "I have no idea."
"Let's find out then," I reply in a positive attitude trying not to sound too concerned "It can't be too bad ". Just as I am about to stand Simmons runs towards me and says "No, you are staying here." Slightly annoyed, I look towards her with puppy dog eyes and say "I'm fine doc, trust me." I add a smile on the end just as a finishing touch. She actually seems to be considering it, which surprises me. She stands there for a minute and then says "You obviously can't walk," she pauses as for effect as I realise that I had forgotten this but then she continues "however, if I could locate a wheelchair or something you may be able to come with me." I smile but then I realise that we are trapped. No joke I think she can read my mind because as my face sinks from the smile she says " We can use the containment pod to get to the Zephyr and then re-enter the base through the entrance."

I start to pull the needles from my arms and then I ask Simmons "Hey by some chance did you bring me any clothes down? As I don't want to be touring the burnt base in a hospital gown." She heads towards the burnt bandages which are on top of a pair of black singed jeans. "I did bring these but they may be slightly, well, burnt." She picks up the jeans and a hoodie, the hoodie I think was white but certainly isn't now. However, it is still in one piece. The jeans were black anyway so I can't see how damaged they are. After Simmons helps me change I ask her a question which I know will unsettle her but it's necessary "Where was Fitz when you last saw him?" She stands for a moment. "Erm, he was in the lab I think but he was heading up to see Coulson and the rest." I could she was holding back tears but her voice wavered and was filled with worry. "He'll be ok they all will," I was convincing my self at the same time. " It may just be a gas leak!" I say, Simmons looks up unconvinced and says "Yeah, let's investigate." However, I point out that there is no wheelchair but Simmons being the genius she is heads to the desk and pulls out the white desk chair which has wheels on.

Carefully, I slide onto the chair. I gasp once or twice in the pain but I try to ignore the pain as I want to find out what has happened. Simmons gets some pills off of the table beside the bad and says " Take these they should help for a bit." I take them and then give her a thumbs up. We enter the pod and head up. Fortunately the Zephyr is still here but it's empty. That's unusual. We head towards the ramp and then we see it. A military stile plane with a Watchdog logo on it.
Oh no...

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