Chapter 33

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Fitz POV
"No, no,no! She has to be here; why isn't she here?" Jemma wears the same look of confusion that I do and we just share glances - which don't go unnoticed by the team.
The team, who also look quite angry at the accusations we have cast, however before the questions begin to explode again Coulson jogs off; in the direction of Daisy's room. Everyone follows, not saying a word. When we get there Coulson has paused at the door. I know that he is praying; praying that Daisy is in there in the throws of a nightmare but I'm not sure he believes his hope. He knows that something is off but he's been denying it.
Cautiously, the door is pushed open, and there in the middle of the room is...

Asleep in her bed. Asleep, not murdering Coulson. As the door hits the wall she sits up with a start; terrified - like a deer in headlights.

"I'm s..sorr..yy di..d I...I wake you?" She barely whispers. Coulson and May both enter parenting mode and carefully approach her, trying to ease her nerves.
"It's ok, Daisy you're safe now." Coulson said calmingly, approaching her.
"W..Whitehall he had me and..." she didn't finish her sentence and just crumbled into tears. She was then engulfed with a hug from Coulson and then May.
Jemma, Mack and I just stand at the door, but decide to give them some privacy. I'm less concerned for Coulson's safety as May is there. Just as I'm about to discuss what game Daisy is playing with Jemma, Mack turns to us.
"Why would you say that?" He asks merely above a whisper but laced with so much anger it could kill a person.
Jemma and I exchange a look concluding that there is no way we could convince him that Daisy is brainwashed.
"We're sorry Mack, we must have been wrong." Jemma says hesitantly, trying to calm a situation that could shortly get out of hand. We keep walking and round a few more corners before Mack replies.
"Yes, I guess you are. But how could you say that. She's been through hell and back and she's safe but still you can't grant her peace, calling her brainwashed." Once again it barely reaches a whisper but I can see Mack's anger and pain.
Just as I am about to apologise again, I am shoved into the wall by a rather angry Melinda May.
"May, May.. hey we're wrong alright it's fine." I stutter out, quite scared about what she'll do.
"It's not fine, she heard you when you said that you think that she's brainwashed. She heard and is now terrified." May seethes.
Just before another apology falls from my mouth as my oxygen supply depletes, Jemma speaks up.
"Who's with Daisy other than Coulson?"

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