Chapter 24

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Simmons POV

Still we stand in the crater with Daisy in the centre, her body is covered in cuts, bruises and blood. She appears to have been through hell. From my initial assessment, she has a few infected wounds, many lacerations and bruises - with varying degrees of severity and at least 5 broken bones. However, I am sure there is more.

Mack and Fitz come back from the Zephyr, with the gurney I requested. Moving Daisy is going to be difficult because there is so much damage. Fortunately, she is unconscious so she won't feel the pain.

Once the gurney is beside her I lower it and then start to give instructions.
"May and Mack I need you to lift her shoulders and torso. Fitz and Coulson I need you to lift her legs. I'm going to try my best to support her head, as we don't have a brace. On the count of three I need you to lift her until she is the equivalent height as the gurney off the ground. Understand?" I ask and there are unanimous nods. It would have been so much easier using a back board but last time we had to move Daisy out she sent tremors through it, causing it to crick and we dropped her.
As I say this everyone lifts - gently - and we shuffle over and place her on the gurney. Then I increase its height and carefully strap her in. The others assist me getting her back to the Zephyr but it all goes wrong when we hit a significant lump and the gurney jumps and causes Daisy's broken arms to hit the edge of the gurney jolting her awake.
"Ahhhhh!" She screams as a seismic wave is emitted out, knocking everyone but Mack over. He manages to duck quick enough. Hurriedly we all race to comfort her and talk with her to see if she is aware of what is going on. Coulson starts to approach her and wipes the tears, which flood out of her eyes, away.
"Hey Daisy, do you want to focus on me whilst we get you home."
All she does is stare back at him, not registering what he had said. This causes me to worry so I signal for us to keep going and for Coulson to keep talking to her. I am concerned that she may have brain damage if she can't hear. It could just be a popped ear drum but in her state I wouldn't be surprised if it were the former.

It takes us another minute to get back and Coulson has been talking to her the full time. She appears to be in less pain, but I notice that she is struggling to breathe. Coulson notices this too so tries to encourage her to breath.
"Hey Daisy can you breath in and out for me - like this." She starts to mimic him, thank goodness her ears may still work. She might not have brain damage. Just as we get into the med bay and I order everyone out, Coulson wipes her last tears off of her face and begins to leave but then she speaks.

" Don't leave me, please."

Daisy Johnson - AftershockWhere stories live. Discover now