Chapter 32

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Fitz POV

I was abruptly woken from my sleep, as tremors shook everything. Including the bed, which OW!
Which is now broken. Great.
Jemma sits up looking confused as to why we have dropped 3 foot. Looking across to her she looks frazzled.
"What's going on?" She asks still not completely with it.
"Daisy?" I question as the tremors dissipate.
"Probably, we need to find her before she does anymore damage."
As Simmons says this, the conversation we had last night cascades back into my mind and I scramble out of bed; momentarily forgetting it was on the floor.
Jemma and I jog out of our room to find others entering the corridor with hesitation due to fear of an attack.
Mack looks at Jemma and I as if to ask if we know what's going on but we shake our heads - not really 100% sure.

Cautiously we head down the corridor picking up May on the way. Worry starts to flood my mind for Coulson- we haven't seen him yet, Daisy might of completed her mission - or well the mission Simmons and I think that she has.
"Jemma." I whisper
"What if she's done it?"
"Oh my god - we need to hurry up!"
Mack and May both look at us really confused but follow as we sprint towards Coulson's room. Just as we reach his room, Coulson rounds the corner from the common area Both Jemma and I sigh in relief, and then try and catch our breaths back.
"What did you mean what if she's done it?" Asks May, with slight irritation in her voice. Jemma and I lock eyes and nod.
"We think Daisy has been brainwashed." We say simultaneously.
This causes lots of questions to erupt at once and before anything is answered Simmons gets very authoritative,
" We'll answer any and all questions AFTER we have found Daisy - who we suspect is in your room, sir."
This shut everyone up.
With caution May opens the door and heads in and there in the middle of the floor is....


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