Chapter 31

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Daisy POV
Night has fallen and I cannot sleep; not with  the thought of my mission on my mind. I need to complete it - Whitehall will be curious if I fail... I don't want to fail. Not again...
Silently, I slide from beneath my covers and limp across the room they have encased me in, it's so suffocating - they're treating me with so much care just so they can stab me in the back. Experiment on me - like Whitehall told me they will do if I'm not out quick enough.
No sound echoes as I limp across the floor, as if I were a dancer of sorts - a Hulu girl... no... a ballet dancer. Where did that come from.
Stealth is a skill I prize, Whitehall told me that if people can hear me then they can catch me and then they can use me for my powers.
As I head down the corridor, I hear muttering from the room of the scientists- erm - Fitzsimmons! The ones who Whitehall said to be most careful of. I keep heading on until I hear my name.
Curiosity starts to overpower my minds instructions, so I stop and listen. I catch a word or two and I hear my name again, brainwash and then stab and Coulson.

Concern overwhelms me and I stumble backwards, heading towards my mission. I need to get out - now, so I need to complete my mission ASAP.
My leg is dragging now, with a dull pain but I need to get out. I must do it. Panic starts to overwhelm me as I enter Coulson's room and I see that he's not here.
Panic starts to black out my vision and breathing becomes harder and harder as I start to lose my balance and collapsing towards the darkness...

Coulson POV

My office has become my bedroom as I fill out endless files whilst communicating with politicians and countries, trying to sort out what has happened to everyone without exposing the organisation. Hours have ticked by and night has fully enveloped my dimly lit room.

My eyes drift across to the clock and a yawn escapes my lips - I need to sleep so I can be there for Daisy. I must be there for her - I must help her get better- I must.

The sofa within my office looks so tempting so I settle beneath a Captain America blanket which Daisy bought me for my birthday last year. My eyes drift towards the darkness- when they are about to reach it everything starts to shake...

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