Chapter 19

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A/N - I just wanted to thank LadyNightlight for being so kind and caring. Also, I will try and write a few more chapters. If anyone has any suggestions about where to divert this story then suggest away! Happy reading!

Coulson POV
I sit happily and quietly with May, she looks so peaceful in sleep. No stress, no Bahrain, no pain. I wish she would always be this peaceful and also happy but in this line of work that is unlikely. My thoughts consume me - however, when Mack bursts through the door I am snapped back to attention.
"Sir, we are here." I nod my head and then go to the cargo bay door. Time to find Fitzsimmons.

Daisy POV

As I lay there in complete shock of the damage I have caused a light starts to shine down over me - a search light. Coulson! Carefully, trying not to break anything else, I move to signal him that I am alive and here. However, my movements are minimal, which means invisible to him who is many a meter above me. Realising this I decide a different approach, I steady my breathing before expelling a seismic wave throwing my body and up towards the plane. The agony it causes is unbearable, I feel my ribs move and my snapped bones shatter, but the plane has seen me and it is landing. I'm going home! Tears of joy spring to my eyes as the prospect of seeing my family floods my mind. I can hear the plane's door opening and then feet. I let off another miniature seismic wave to show Coulson my exact location - this time it is direct towards the ground. The footsteps come closer and closer. Then in my peripheral vision I see him...

A/N 2 - Short chapter - sorry! However, I do love a cliffhanger!

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