Chapter 35

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(Just before  May has left the room.)

Daisy POV

Coulson still engulfs me in a hug that is  suffocating me but I need May to leave the room, she is going to be a complication to the mission. Then suddenly the weight on the end of the bed disappears and heavy, angry footsteps fade away. Coulson keeps comforting me, mumbling something pointless, but then starts to shift slightly and I do too. He backs further on to the bed allowing me to burrow further into him. Unbeknownst to him I have managed to acquire my knife, which was tucked into my waist band. 

Whitehall's mission rings in my head and I am ready to complete my mission. To make him happy.

To comply.

Slowly, I start to sit up and Coulson relaxes allowing me to move away and then, as my eye level meets his I lift my arms as if to initiate a new hug before slamming my elbow into his temple, causing him to collapse sideways, however, I catch him and push him back against the pillows, before plunging my knife into his chest. I prepare to remove it but then I feel frantic vibrations pattering towards the room. They know.

Just as the door opens I manage to slip behind it - my leg still hurts a little from earlier but most of my pain has been washed away by the adrenaline that floods my system. All they have to do is leave and pronounce him dead and then I have complied and Whitehall will be happy.

I wait silently, praying but then they declare him as alive. No, no, no no, no no, no no, no no, no no, no. He has to die. Why can't this evil man die?! Just as the thought crosses my mind everyone stills and proceeds to look around the room. 

I hold my breath but then the scientist Simmons' eyes meet mine, but instead of fear a menacing grin crosses my face...

Simmons POV

We all slowly start to look around the room and then I see her. Standing behind the door, just slightly in view. Her and my eyes meet but I see no empathy, no fear, no regret. There's nothing. Her face only holds a maniacal grin - this isn't good.

"She's behind th..." I shout but before I finish I fly backwards and slam against the wall, smacking my head causing me to see stars. My body drops like a sack of potatoes to the ground and black dots flood my vision. I try to move and help but unconsciousnesses pull is so strong and then I disappear into the darkness ...

Fitz POV

"She's behind th..."

Just as Jemma says this I look towards her and then she's gone. BANG!!

"JEMMMMMMA!" I scream frantically as I scramble towards her but before I reach her Mack rugby tackles me out of the way of one of Daisy's blast. I look up to see May and Daisy engaged in hand to hand, well hand to power, combat and I can't tell whose winning but that doesn't matter.

Jemma is what matters.

Quickly, I scamper across the room to where she lies, eyes closed, breathing shallowly... but breathing. I can't lose her, I can't. I love her. I love her so much. 

With shaking hands I start to check her over but before I can get below her head I hear a thud. Quickly, I turn towards where May and Daisy stood, but now there is only Daisy....

Authors note:


Thank you to everyone who has left such nice comments they really mean a lot. I'll try and update more regularly. :)

Hope you enjoyed this part :)


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